Pembersihan etnik atau lebih popular digunakan sebagai ethnic cleansing adalah satu tindakan yang diklasifikasikan sebagai jenayah perang oleh badan perundangan antarabangsa. Tindakan ini menggambarkan perlakuan kejam terhadap suatu kumpulan atau masyarakat yang selalunya dikaitkan dengan perbezaan agama dan bangsa. Antara tindakan melibatkan pembersihan etnik adalah seperti pengusiran atau pemindahan paksa sesuatu kumpulan atau etnik tertentu. Di samping itu, tindakan ini juga melibatkan pemusnahan fizikal di sesuatu tempat sebagai contoh, tempat ibadat, tanah perkuburan dan kawasan perumahan Bagi pembunuhan beramai-ramai pula, dikaitkan dengan pemusnahan sesuatu kumpulan etnik, kaum atau agama. Selain itu, tindakan ini juga termasuk dengan pengusiran sesuatu kumpulan daripada tempat mereka dengan menggunakan elemen kekerasan. Walaupun pembersihan etnik dilihat berbeza dengan pembunuhan beramai-ramai, namun kedua-dua tindakan ini mempunyai matlamat yang sama dalam penghapusan dan pengusiran sesuatu kumpulan yang juga melibatkan pengorbanan nyawa sesuatu kumpulan.


Antara kontroversi yang dapat dikaitkan dengan pembersihan etnik adalah POLPOT Rejim yang berlaku di negara Kemboja ketika pemerintahan Pol Pot dari tahun 1975 hingga 1979 yang telah mengorbankan 1.5 hingga 3 juta orang, termasuk minoriti Vietnam dan Muslim Cham, akibat kelaparan, kekurangan zat makanan, penyakit, dan kerja berlebihan. Dianggarkan 500,000 orang Cham telah mati. Penganut agama Kristian dan Buddha juga menjadi mangsa penindasan. Pemimpin Khmer Rouge, Pol Pot, bekerjasama dengan Putera Norodom Sihanouk untuk menentang Jeneral Lon Nol, yang melancarkan coup d’état pada Mac 1970, yang membawa kepada perang saudara. Dalam hal ini, Amerika Syarikat telah dilihat memberi sokongan kepada Jeneral Lon Nol. Setelah menawan Phnom Penh pada 17 April 1975, Khmer Rouge memenangi perang saudara. Selepas tentera Vietnam menawan ibu negara pada 7 Januari 1979, kerajaan Khmer Rouge digulingkan. Walau bagaimanapun, sehingga United Nations Transitional Authority Cambodia (UNTAC) ditubuhkan di Kemboja pada 28 Februari 1992, keadaan masih tidak stabil. Misi PBB berakhir pada September 1993 selepas kejayaan pemulihan demokrasi dan sistem monarki di Kemboja. Pol Pot telah menjalani hukuman house arrest pada 1997 sehingga dia meninggal dunia pada 15 April 1998. 


Seterusnya, kontroversi pembunuhan beramai-ramai yang dapat dilihat ialah peperangan dan krisis yang melanda Syria pada Ogos 2013. Krisis di negara tersebut telah menyebabkan warganegara diserang dengan senjata kimia dan mengorbankan ratusan ribu orang, manakala lebih sejuta hilang tempat tinggal atau menjadi pelarian. Selain manusia, serangan itu juga telah membunuh sebahagian besar haiwan termasuk biri-biri, anjing dan kucing. Rejim Bashar Al-Assad merupakan dalang disebalik lebih 330 serangan senjata kimia yang menyasarkan penduduk di negara itu. Penggunaan senjata kimia tersebut turut menjadi kritikan dan kutukan dunia.


Palestin merupakan wilayah yang didiami oleh masyarakat Arab yang terdiri daripada pelbagai latar belakang agama seperti, Yahudi, Kristian dan Islam. Pada 14 Mei 1948, Perdana Menteri pertama Israel, Ben Gurion mengadakan upacara di Tel Aviv Museum bagi merasmikan hari kemerdekaan pertama negara itu. Keganasan Israel ke atas Palestin terus meningkat sejak hari tersebut. Pada tahun 2006, pihak Palestin telah berpecah kepada  dua kumpulan atau parti yang membawa ideologi dan pegangan berbeza dari sudut sosio-politik iaitu Fatah dan Hamas. Fatah merupakan parti yang terbesar manakala Hamas adalah sebuah kumpulan perjuangan Islam. Konflik antara mereka menjadikan wilayah yang dikuasai oleh Palestinian National Authority (kerajaan interim Palestin) dibahagi kepada dua iaitu Fatah di Tebing Barat, manakala Hamas di Genting Gaza. Hal ini kerana Hamas dianggap sebagai pertubuhan pengganas oleh Israel dan banyak negara lain yang mengakibatkan Hamas tidak dibenarkan untuk menyertai sebarang perundingan rasmi walaupun menang dalam Pilihan Raya Palestin 2006.

Konfllik antara Israel-Palestin merupakan pertikaian yang masih berlangsung antara Yahudi Israel dan rakyat Palestin. Konflik ini berhubung kait dengan tuntutan kawasan tanah yang sama. Konflik Israel-Palestin kembali tegang pada 7 Oktober 2023 lalu apabila Hamas mula membuat serangan. Hamas mengejutkan dunia dengan melakukan Operasi Taufan Al-Aqsa terhadap rejim haram Israel, bermula dengan membuat serangan roket bertubi-tubi dan penyusupan melalui darat, laut dan udara di negara haram itu. Serangan yang dilakukan oleh Hamas, adalah satu serangan balas berikutan peningkatan keganasan yang dilakukan oleh penceroboh Israel di Masjid Al-Aqsa, Baitulmaqdis timur. Oleh yang demikian, Israel bertindak untuk membalas kembali serangan Hamas terhadapnya dengan melancarkan operasi terhadap sasaran Hamas di Semenanjung Gaza.           


Selepas negara-negara Arab kalah dalam peperangan lima hari pada Jun 1967, Israel bertindak melakukan banyak perkara termasuk memusnahkan Masjid Al-Aqsa. Salah satu kerosakan yang berlaku adalah dinding Al-Magharibah di sebelah barat masjid dirobohkan dan diubah menjadi tempat ibadat orang Yahudi.

Baitulmaqdis sejak dahulu menjadi rebutan kerana ianya merupakan kota suci bagi tiga agama iaitu agama Islam, Kristian dan Yahudi. Bagi agama Islam, Baitulmaqdis adalah kota yang istimewa kerana ianya merupakan kiblat pertama dan terletaknya Masjid Al-Aqsa yang merupakan simbol perjuangan, pengorbanan, dan identiti orang Islam. Bagi pegangan agama Yahudi pula, kota ini penting kerana terbinanya dua kuil kuno Yahudi. Pada awal tahun 2000, telah berlaku perubahan selepas pemberontakan Palestin menentang Israel yang dikenali sebagai Intifada kedua. Israel bukan sahaja mengawal kawasan sekitar perkarangan Masjid Al-Aqsa, malah bertindak mengambil alih akses keselamatan dan membenarkan orang Yahudi mengakses tapak tersebut sesuka hati.

Sebelum ini Israel telah membuat serangan pada 8 Mei 2021 di Baitulmaqdis yang mencatatkan insiden terburuk di bandar itu sejak 2017. Ketegangan semakin memuncak apabila pihak polis Israel bertindak bertempur dengan penduduk Palestin, berikutan rakyat negara itu memprotes larangan Israel terhadap akses tanpa had ke beberapa bahagian di Kota Lama (Old City). Serangan yang dibuat oleh Israel pada penghujung Ramadan tahun itu membuktikan Israel sengaja mencetuskan kekacauan di Baitulmaqdis. Pihak Polis Israel membuat serbuan di Masjid Al-Aqsa dan menembak jemaah menggunakan peluru getah dalam kejadian itu yang mencederakan sekurang-kurangnya 200 rakyat Palestin. Selain itu, polis Israel juga telah menyerang penunjuk perasaan menggunakan gas pemedih mata, peluru getah dan bom tangan serta menahan puluhan rakyat Palestin yang tidak bersalah. Pada masa yang sama juga, Israel telah menceroboh masuk ke kawasan penduduk Palestin dan bertindak memusnahkan kediaman mereka.


Tindakan serangan Israel ke atas Palestin semakin melampau apabila negara itu mula membuat serangan ke atas penduduk Palestin dan menyasarkan serangan kepada pusat perlindungan termasuk kenderaan ambulans serta hospital. Pada 9 Oktober 2023, dunia digemparkan dengan penggunaan bom yang diharamkan kepada orang awam Palestin. Israel terkenal dengan penggunaan bom yang terlarang dan mula menggunakan white phosphosrus bomb yang diharamkan oleh badan antarabangsa dalam tindakan di Khan Younis, Genting Gaza yang menyasarkan kawasan perumahan serta penduduk di wilayah berkenaan.

Pada 12 Oktober 2023, Israel Defence Force (IDF) telah menggesa rakyat Palestin di Gaza untuk meninggalkan Utara Gaza dan melarikan diri ke Selatan Gaza bagi memberi ruang kepada mereka membuat serangan ke atas Hamas. IDF mengebom kenderaan yang membawa orang awam ketika rakyat Palestin melarikan diri mengikut arahan pemindahan yang dikeluarkan oleh IDF. Ini kerana IDF mendakwa bahawa Hamas menggunakan orang awam sebagai perisai (human shield). Kementerian Kesihatan Palestin melaporkan 70 orang terbunuh dalam serangan maut itu dan kesan tersebut tidak menghentikan Israel dari terus melancarkan serangan bom ke Selatan Gaza.


Pada 19 Oktober 2023, IDF telah bertindak mengebom gereja Greek Orthodox Saint Porphyrius yang berusia lebih 1,600 tahun, selepas memusnahkan Hospital Al-Ahli Baptist yang dikendalikan oleh golongan Kristian di Gaza. Lebih 300 pelarian Palestin menjadikan kawasan gereja tersebut sebagai tempat perlindungan akibat serangan tanpa henti oleh Israel. Ratusan orang awam turut dilaporkan terkorban dan cedera dari serangan tersebut.

Pada 3 November 2023, IDF membuat serangan ke atas konvoi ambulans di Gaza yang mengorbankan 15 orang dan mencederakan sekurang-kurangnya 60 orang awam. Serangan tersebut berlaku berhampiran Hospital Al-Shifa ketika lima ambulans sedang membawa mangsa dari Gaza menuju ke Rafah, sempadan Mesir. Peluru berpandu pertama menyasarkan ambulans yang mengetuai konvoi kurang 1 KM dari hospital terbesar di wilayah tersebut. Serangan kedua peluru berpandu pula dilaporkan menyasarkan kepada ambulans lain yang hanya kira-kira dua meter dari pintu hospital. Insiden serangan tidak berperikamnusiaan tersebut berlaku kerana IDF mendakwa pejuang Hamas berada di dalam kenderaan tersebut.

Seterusnya, pada 11 November 2023, IDF mula menjalankan operasi serangan menjejak tempat penyembunyian Hamas dengan menyasarkan pusat perubatan utama Gaza, Hospital Al Shifa yang menyebabkan kemudahan tidak dapat beroperasi sepenuhnya kerana kehabisan bekalan eletrik dan bahan api. Laporan turut menyatakan bahawa beberapa bayi yang baru dilahirkan terpaksa dikeluarkan dari inkubator selepas bekalan eletrik terputus. Ribuan pegawai perubatan dan pesakit terperangkap tanpa bekalan eletrik. Menurut Kementerian Kesihatan Gaza, kira-kira 16 buah hospital di seluruh Gaza tidak dapat berfungsi kerana mengalami kerosakan akibat serangan dan kekurangan bahan api.


Konflik Israel-Palestin mencipta pelbagai pandangan dan kritikan ke atas kedua-dua negara tersebut. Namun, serangan melampau oleh Israel menerima kecaman daripada pelbagai negara, organisasi, pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO) dan juga individu berpengaruh di seluruh dunia. Antara negara Islam yang lantang memberi kecaman kepada Israel adalah Malaysia, Indonesia, Iraq, Lubnan dan negara Islam yang lain. Beberapa negara telah menarik kembali duta ke negara Israel dan memutuskan hubungan diplomatik dengan Israel, antaranya Turki, Afrika Selatan, Republik Chad, Bahrain dan beberapa negara lain.

Terdapat juga kritikan terhadap Palestin terutama negara dari negara barat seperti Amerika Syarikat yang jelas bersekutu dengan Israel. Selain dari itu, United Kingdom, Australia, Perancis, Norway, India, Sepanyol dan beberapa negara lagi turut memberi kecaman ke atas Palestin asbab dari insiden pada 7 Okober lalu sehingga melupakan sejarah penindasan puak Zionis ke atas Palestin berpuluh tahun dahulu. Walau bagaimanapun, terdapat negara, NGO, dan individu yang memberi pandangan agar penyelesaian dua hala seperti gencaran senjata jangka panjang bagi kedua-dua negara tersebut yang sememangnya tidak akan dipersetujui oleh Palestin yang merupakan mangsa penindasan modern genocide.


Serangan serta kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh pimpinan tertinggi Zionis jelas menunjukkan wujudnya elemen ethnic cleansing dan pembunuhan beramai-ramai. Akibat serangan tanpa henti oleh Israel telah mencatatkan kematian belasan ribu orang selain kemusnahan tempat tinggal, tempat perlindungan seperti rumah ibadat dan hospital yang bertentangan dgn Geneva Convention berkaitan peperangan. Konflik antara Israel-Palestin telah memberi pelbagai impak terhadap kedua-dua negara tersebut. Serangan tanpa henti dan tanpa belas kasihan oleh Israel membuahkan pelbagai reaksi oleh rakyat seluruh dunia terhadap ‘negara haram’ tersebut. Antara impak positif yang berlaku adalah, dengan tindakan serangan kejam oleh Israel telah membuka sebilangan mata dunia yang selama ini terpengaruh dengan propaganda Israel yang sering menunjukkan Palestin adalah satu negara pengganas. Hal ini dikaitkan apabila Israel bertindak kejam menyerang tempat-tempat awam seperti hospital, sekolah dan perumahan dengan alasan menyatakan tempat tersebut adalah tempat peyembunyian Hamas. Namun, kebanyakan mangsa adalah orang awam yang tidak bersalah termasuk warga emas dan kanak-kanak. Selain dari itu, penggunaan white phosphorus turut memberi kesan yang buruk ke atas mangsa-mangsa di Gaza. Selain kesan buruk kepada mangsa yang mengenanya, ianya jelas merupakan sesuatu tindakan yang menyalahi undang-undang antarabangsa kerana senjata tersebut digunakan di kawasan awam dan dilihat sebagai jenayah perang.

Tindakan tidak berperikemanusiaan Israel menyerang pusat perubatan memberi kesan jangka panjang kepada penduduk Gaza. Berikutan dengan insiden serangan ke atas hospital al-Shifa, orang awam menyaksikan sebuah keluarga ditembak dan cedera kerana cuba melarikan diri. Ribuan mangsa masih terperangkap dan hadapi putus bekalan eletrik, air dan makanan. Tiada sebarang bantuan yang diterima seperti yang dijanjikan IDF, malah sesiapa sahaja yang menghampiri Hospital Al-Shifa akan ditembak mati oleh puak Zinonis. Akhir sekali, antara kesan jangka panjang lain adalah melibatkan penduduk tempatan yang terpaksa melarikan diri ke lokasi selamat bagi melindungi diri daripada pengeboman dan serangan udara dan darat yang tidak mempunyai tanda akan berakhir. Ekonomi tempatan juga turut menerima tempias kerana kekurangan bekalan bahan mentah serta mengharapkan bantuan negara luar yang tiada kepastian.


Dalam era moden ini, pelbagai maklumat mudah diakses di hujung jari. Segala propaganda palsu yang dimainkan oleh pihak media barat kini banyak yang telah dirungkaikan dengan fakta. Pihak media berperanan penting dalam menyebarkan berita yang sahih dan mengikut fakta. Ini kerana konflik Israel-Palestin menjadi tumpuan seluruh dunia. Setiap individu perlu dipupuk kesedaran mengenai konflik ini kerana peperangan ini bukanlah peperangan agama semata-mata, ianya adalah satu unsur modern genocide yang melibatkan puluhan ribu nyawa insan yang tidak berdosa.

Dalam peperangan antara Israel-Palestin jelas menujukkan tindakan balas dari Israel adalah melampau dan tidak berperikemanusiaan. Hal ini dapat dilihat apabila Israel mengarahkan lebih 1 juta penduduk Utara Gaza berpindah ke Selatan Gaza dan kemudian dengan sengaja menyasarkan serangan ke atas orang awam yang berpusu-pusu meninggalkan kediaman seperti diarahkan puak Zionis tersebut. Tindakan ini adalah pengusiran terhadap penduduk dan juga penghapusan penduduk di Gaza yang menjadi matlamat utama pemimpin Israel-Zionis serta jelas bertentangan dengan prinsip peperangan undang-undang antarabangsa.

Pemimpin-pemimpin dunia terutama negara-negara Islam juga perlu tegas dalam menyuarakan agar serangan ke atas Palestin dihentikan. Serangan tanpa henti terhadap negara Palestin menyebabkan negara itu mengalami kegawatan sosio-ekonomi, politik, sistem pendidikan serta kehilangan puluhan ribu nyawa selain menghadapi krisis makanan, minuman dan juga kesuntukan rawatan perubatan, kehilangan tempat tinggal dan pelbagai krisis yang semakin hari semakin teruk. Genjatan senjata selama 4 hari bermula 23 November 2023 wajar diteruskan agar tidak ada lagi korban mangsa yang tidak bersalah walaupun ianya amat mustahil untuk dilanjutkan. Justeru, modern genocide ini betul-betul berlaku di dalam dunia serba moden dan canggih namun dipandang ringan oleh kuasa besar dunia yang dahagakan sokongan dari negara haram Israel.



Istilah “fanatik atau taasub” bermaksud satu sikap kepercayaan yang terlalu berlebihan terhadap sesuatu ajaran termasuk dalam perihal politik serta kepimpinan hingga melampaui batas. Fanatik juga merujuk kepada seseorang individu yang keterlaluan (melampau) terhadap sesuatu pegangan atau pendirian dan kebiasaannya dalam hal-hal berkaitan dengan praktik atau ajaran keagamaan.

Fanatik mempunyai makna yang sama dengan istilah taasub iaitu sikap terlalu berlebihan kepercayaannya atau keyakinannya terhadap sesuatu ajaran atau aliran (termasuk politik, agama, dan lain-lain) hingga melampaui batas. Fanatik atau taasub akan menyebabkan pemikiran seseorang menjadi sempit, beku, tidak adil dalam membuat penilaian dan tidak mampu mencetuskan idea-idea baharu yang lebih segar. Ketidakfahaman terhadap sikap ekstrem, fanatik dan taasub ini menyebabkan beberapa aspek kehidupan masyarakat dewasa ini menjadi celaru. Golongan ini merasakan apa yang mereka lakukan adalah kononnya satu tuntutan agama.

Sikap begini juga turut menggambarkan seseorang yang tidak berkemampuan membuka ruang perbincangan untuk membandingkan pendapatnya dengan pendapat pihak-pihak lain bagi mengambil pendapat yang lebih kuat dalil dan alasannya. Sikap fanatik dan taasub adalah sikap tertutup terhadap pandangan lain yang berbeza dan berusaha menidakannya. Sikap begini adalah pembawaan yang memandang hanya diri atau kumpulan sendiri sahaja yang betul, manakala pihak lain adalah salah, malah secara berani menuduh pihak yang berlainan pendapat sebagai jahil dan bodoh.

Sikap fanatik dan taasub akan mencapai puncaknya ketika seseorang individu atau kumpulan menggugurkan kehormatan orang lain, menghalalkan jiwa dan harta mereka, menghalalkan darah saudara seagama serta tidak lagi melihat hak orang lain untuk tidak diperlakukan secara adil. Fenomena ini berlaku apabila seseorang individu itu telah dikuasai oleh kekacauan fikiran lalu menuduh kebanyakan orang lain telah keluar dari Islam atau telah menjadi kafir murtad.

Inilah kemuncak kepada sikap ekstrem, fanatik dan taasub. Contoh begini pernah kepada golongan Khawarij sekitar tahun 37H/648M. Golongan ini termasuk dalam orang-orang yang sangat ketat dalam melaksanakan ritual ibadat seperti puasa, solat dan tilawah Al Quran. Golongan ini terjerumus ke dalam kebinasaan bukan disebabkan oleh keburukan hati mereka tetapi disebabkan oleh keburukan fikiran mereka.

Pada dasarnya akar radikalisme dalam pemikiran Islam tumbuh dari dua prinsip dasar iaitu Prinsip keterpilihan dan adanya doktrin kebenaran. Sebagai kesannya, golongan ini mempunyai satu perasaan ‘lebih’ dibanding kelompok atau pihak atau institusi lain (the others) yang tidak sefahaman atau berlawanan dengan ideologi golongan terbabit.


Secara umumnya, masyarakat di Malaysia khususnya beragama Islam pada masa kini dilihat telah banyak disogokkan dengan pelbagai pandangan dan aliran yang dapat mencetuskan pelbagai perbalahan dan kontroversi dalam kalangan masyarakat khususnya golongan-golongan agamawan. Perkara ini dilihat menerusi beberapa siri perdebatan atau forum yang telah dijalankan bagi membincangkan pelbagai isu dengan mengetengahkan tokoh atau agamawan yang mempelopori idea atau mewakili aliran mazhab mereka tersendiri.    

Ekoran daripada wujudnya penganjuran dan pelaksanaan forum sedemikian, terbukti menunjukkan bahawa timbulnya pelbagai aliran dan pandangan sehingga membawa kepada keperluan untuk mengadakan perbincangan dalam bentuk forum bagi menjelaskan atau merungkai isu-isu berkaitan dengan masyarakat. Terdapat juga segelintir tokoh atau agamawan yang mencabar pihak yang tidak sealiran untuk berdebat bagi mencari kata putus atau jawapan terhadap isu yang dipertikaikan oleh mereka.

Situasi sedemikian, memperlihatkan bahawa realiti masyarakat di Malaysia hari ini telah berada dalam keadaan terbuka dengan pelbagai aliran dan pihak yang terlibat cuba untuk mempertahankan dan melindungi aliran atau kumpulan yang didukungnya itu. Oleh itu, terhasillah golongan yang fanatik dan taasub dengan mazhab tertentu, mematuhi kepada aliran akidah tertentu, memberi sokongan secara membuta tuli kepada tokoh atau agamawan yang dilihat sebagai pembawa transformasi, dan pelbagai aliran serta organisasi lain yang muncul membawa idea pemikiran dan pemahaman tersendiri.

Oleh yang demikian, isu-isu yang melibatkan fanatik dan taasub beragama dalam Malaysia boleh dilihat menerusi beberapa insiden mahupun kejadian yang pernah dilaporkan berlaku.

            Peristiwa Kumpulan Al MaunahPada tahun 2000, negara kita pernah digemparkan satu kejadian apabila terdapat satu kumpulan yang menggelarkan diri mereka sebagai Pertubuhan Dalam Ajaran Al-Maunah yang merancang untuk menggulingkan kerajaan pada ketika itu dengan menggunakan kekerasan dan bersenjata. Disini dapat kita lihat bahawa pada asalnya kumpulan ini yang dikatakan mendalami ilmu persilatan yang turut menggunakan tenaga dalaman dan juga turut mempelajari perubatan tradisional Islam sahaja. Akan tetapi, akibat terlalu fanatik dan taasub mendalami ilmu tersebut diselit dengan ideologi yang dibawa oleh pemimpin kumpulan itu, ianya merubah tujuan penubuhan kumpulan tersebut sehingga mampu berfikir dan bertindak untuk menggulingkan kerajaan Malaysia dengan menggunakan kekerasan yang dianggap sebagai jihad demi mencapai objektif mereka.

            Budaya TakfiriPada tahun 80-an, polemik politik di Malaysia telah dimomok oleh satu insiden yang melibatkan parti-parti politik. Isu yang tercetus ini dianggap satu isu besar kerana ia bukan sahaja melibatkan perbalahan antara parti politik semata malah ia turut melibatkan fahaman terhadap agama serta melibatkan budaya kafir mengkafir atau lebih dikenali sebagai takfiri. Budaya kafir mengkafir ini dilihat satu perbuatan yang sangat terkutuk ditambah pula kenyataan yang dilemparkan itu datangnya dari seorang pemimpin parti politik yang beragama Islam. Jelas disini bahawa ideologi dan fahaman Islam yang terlalu taasub dan fanatik telah dijadikan modal bagi mereka dalam mencapai matlamat politik.

            Serangan Molotov KK MartPada Mac 2024, terdapat insiden serangan Molotov Cocktail dilaporkan berlaku dalam negara kita. Serangan tersebut berlaku rentetan daripada satu isu sensitif yang dikaitkan dengan satu agama besar dalam Malaysia iaitu kalimah Allah tertera pada stoking. Isu tersebut mendapat reaksi yang begitu meluas sehingga melibatkan banyak pihak seperti agamawan, ilmuan, ahli politik bahkan Raja-Raja Melayu. Serangan molotov cocktail di kedai serbaneka KK Mart dikatakan berlaku berpunca daripada isu sensitif tersebut. Berdasarkan serangan tersebut, boleh dikatakan ia berpunca daripada perilaku seseorang individu atau kumpulan yang terlalu fanatik dan taasub terhadap agama. Namun begitu, berkemungkinan juga tindakan yang diambil adalah untuk mempertahankan kalimah suci Allah yang merupakan Tuhan bagi umat Islam. Walaubagaimanapun, tindakan pelampau yang sedemikian merupakan perbuatan yang dilarang menurut ajaran Islam.


Ideologi: Bersikap terlalu fanatik dan taasub dalam beragama merupakan satu tindakan yang mampu memberi kesan buruk. Mereka yang terlalu berfanatik dan taasub beragama ini kebiasaannya akan menganggap dan merasakan bahawa “tokoh” atau pemimpin yang mereka ikuti itu adalah merupakan individu yang harus mereka percayai. Ideologi atau naratif yang bersifat keras atau terlampau (ekstrem) juga dilihat mampu terwujud menerusi sikap fanatik dan taasub beragama ini. Hal ini kerana, bila seseorang individu atau kumpulan itu mula bertindak memilih pendekataan kekerasan iaitu menggunakan senjata bagi menghapuskan apa yang telah dianggap batil, atau cuba untuk mengubah kemungkaran dengan menggunakan persenjataan. Jelas bahawa perbuatan ekstrem merujuk kepada perbuatan yang ganas (kaedah) seseorang individu atau kumpulan (pelaku) lanjutan daripada suatu kepercayaan atau fahaman ekstrem ke atas individu atau kumpulan sosial (sasaran) tertentu bagi mencapai matlamat serta perubahan dari segi politik, sosial, ekonomi, agama dan ideologi (matlamat). Sikap ketaasuban dan fanatisme dalam kalangan masyarakat di Malaysia mampu menggugat keamanan serta keharmonian yang telah diamalkan sejak sekian lama.

Perpaduan Keluarga, Masyarakat dan Politik: Usaha mendoktrinasi atau memupuk sikap fanatik dan taasub terhadap agama mahupun sesuatu ikutan dalam kalangan masyarakat di Malaysia perlu dibanteras dengan segera dari terus menular. Perkara ini dilihat menjadi ‘virus’ negatif dalam semangat perpaduan rakyat negara Malaysia dan mampu membawa kepada tercetusnya tragedi yang tidak diingini sekiranya tiada tindakan susulan segera dari pihak bertanggungjawab. Generasi remaja yang mana semakin menjadi komponen terbesar rakyat di negara ini perlu diberikan bimbingan dan pendedahan perihal kesan buruk kepada sikap fanatik dan taasub beragama ini. Mereka merupakan antara kelompok yang mudah untuk menerima segala apa input atau output sesuatu perkara itu tanpa usul periksa dengan alasan input mahupun output tersebut sumbernya datang dari mereka-mereka yang lebih berpengalaman. Justeru itu, wajar bagi mereka mengguna pakai input dan output tersebut. Sememangnya perkara sedemikian perlu dielakkan daripada berlaku kerana khuatir bahawa ia bakal menjurus negara ini ke kancah perpecahan perpaduan samada kaum, agama dan bangsa.

Perbuatan Ekstremisme: Sifat fanatik dan taasub keagamaan yang berlebihan dalam kalangan masyarakat secara individu atau kumpulan dilihat mampu membawa kepada berlakunya perbuatan berunsurkan ekstremis atau ganas yang mampu memberi ancaman pada negara secara khususnya. Sekiranya seseorang individu itu yang terlalu fanatik dan taasub terhadap agama, berkemungkinan besar bagi mereka-mereka ini bertindak melakukan perbuatan berunsurkan keganasan itu tinggi disebabkan oleh pendekatan dan pendedahan yang diterima pakai olehnya menerusi ‘tokoh’ atau ketua kumpulan mereka itu. Individu yang terlalu fanatik dan taasub akan sesuatu perkara ini cenderung untuk menerima bulat-bulat apa sahaja maklumat, pendedahan, arahan dan kata-kata yang disampaikan oleh individu yang dianggap ‘tokoh’ itu. Bagi mereka yang terlalu fanatik dan taasub ini, kata-kata tersebut merupakan satu mandat yang perlu dituruti dan dilaksanakan tanpa gagal walaupun hakikatnya perbuatan tersebut membawa kepada keburukan. Ini turut memberi ancaman kepada keselamatan negara sekiranya tiada tindakan awal pencegahan dilaksanakan oleh pihak berkuasa dan pihak-pihak lain yang terlibat. 


1.         Menyedari Impikasi Negatif Terhadap Sikap Fanatik dan Taasub Beragama – Seluruh masyarakat di Malaysia yang terdiri daripada pelbagai bangsa dan kaum haruslah sedar akan implikasi negetif daripada sikap terlalu fanatik dan taasub beragama ini. Setiap pihak atau organisasi perlu bekerjasama dalam menghindari segala perbalahan dan permusuhan khusus bila ianya melibatkan sentimen 3R (Royal, Religion, Races).

2.         Mengadakan Pertemuan/Perbincangan – Perbincangan dua hala merupakan satu platform terbaik dalam usaha untuk mendapatkan penyelesaian terbaik terhadap isu yang berbalah. Pihak-pihak yang berbalah harus diwakili oleh golongan ilmuwan ataupun agamawan yang mempunyai ilmu. Pertemuan/perbincangan ini harus difokuskan kepada matlamat utama untuk mencari penyelesaian serta kebenaran bukan untuk mencari kemenangan.

3.         Mewujudkan Pertimbangan Ilmiah – Setiap agama mempunyai kitab suci dan ajaran yang telah ditetapkan berdasarkan kepada kepercayaan masing-masing. Bagi umat Islam secara khususnya telah diajari untuk meletakkan al-Quran dan al-Sunnah sebagai rujukan utama. Tidak boleh dinafikan bahawa al-Quran dan al-Sunnah merupakan rujukan utama bagi seluruh umat Islam didunia. Walau bagaimanapun, bukan semua orang mampu dan mempunyai kearifan dengan al-Quran dan al-Sunnah. Oleh itu, segala rujukan perlu dibuat menerusi organisasi, agamawan dan tokoh ilmuan yang mempunyai pengetahuan secara meluas dalam bidang dan kepakaran masing-masing dan haruslah diakui keilmuan dan ketokohan mereka itu.

4.         Pendidikan dan Literasi Media – Mengintegrasikan program pendidikan dan literasi media ke dalam kurikulum sekolah dan usaha mendekati masyarakat untuk melengkapkan individu dengan kemahiran berfikir kritis dan daya tahan terhadap propaganda perpecahan kaum dan ekstremis. Pelajar perlu di didik untuk menilai maklumat secara kritis, membezakan fakta daripada fiksyen dan mengenali taktik manipulasi yang digunakan oleh individu atau sesetengah kelompok kumpulan yang benar-benar ingin melihat perpecahan kaum serta ketidakharmonian terjadi dalam Malaysia. Menggalakkan celik digital dan penggunaan platform media sosial yang bertanggungjawab untuk menentang radikalisasi dalam talian.

5.         Penglibatan dan Pemerkasaan Komuniti – Memupuk perkongsian dengan komuniti tempatan, pemimpin agama, organisasi masyarakat sivil dan kumpulan belia untuk menggalakkan daya tahan masyarakat terhadap propaganda perpecahan kaum dan agama. Memperkasakan komuniti untuk mengenal pasti dan menangani rungutan, menggalakkan perpaduan sosial dan menyediakan laluan alternatif untuk individu yang kurang arif mengenai sistem kepelbagaian agama yang wujud di negara ini. Antara lain aktiviti berdialog juga boleh dilaksanakan bagi memupuk persefahaman bersama dan inisiatif membina kepercayaan serta menghormati keagamaan seseorang dalam kalangan masyarakat yang pelbagai.


Secara keseluruhannya, isu fanatik dan taasub beragama ini bukanlah isu baru yang berlaku di Malaysia. Negara kita pernah dilanda isu ini sejak dari tahun 1960an lagi. Perbezaan pendekatan ilmu agama serta ditambah perbezaan fahaman politik menjadikan golongan fanatik dan taasub ini terus wujud dengan ramainya kerana masing-masing mengikuti dan menerima segala apa yang telah disampaikan oleh tokoh, ketua atau pemimpin mereka itu walaupun ia bertentangan dengan ajaran yang sepatutnya.

Sikap fanatik dan taasub ini dapat dikawal apabila setiap individu tersebut mengambil pendekatan sendiri dengan memperbaiki diri masing-masing dengan memperbanyakkan sumber rujukan, menerima pendapat dan pandangan orang lain serta mengelakkan diri daripada terjebak kepada mana-mana individu atau kumpulan yang mengamalkan budaya fanatisme ini. Bagi umat Islam, mereka perlu belajar dan mendekati ilmu agama sepertimana yang diperintahkan oleh Allah SWT dan meninggalkan apa yang dilarang olehNya. Menggunakan al-Quran dan al-Sunnah sebagai sumber rujukan utama dan jangan sesekali menyalah erti apa yang telah disampaikan didalamnya. Bagi para pemimpin, ahli politik, agamawan, dan tokoh-tokoh ilmuan pula hendaklah menyampaikan sesuatu perkara itu secara rasional dan bersederhana agar segala perkara baik tersebut dapat dijadikan ikutan bersama.

Masyarakat perlu bersama – sama dan menyokong pihak kerajaan dalam tindakan menguatkuasakan Kedaulatan Undang – Undang serta menggalakkan secara menyeluruh perpaduan antara kaum di dalam negara ini dengan mengambil tindakan segera dan tegas terhadap mana – mana pihak secara individu atau organisasi yang cuba mencetuskan sebarang bentuk tindakan proaktif yang menjerumus kepada konflik perpecahan kaum serta agama. Tindakan sedemikian mampu menjadi pemangkin negatif kepada keharmonian, keamanan dan perpaduan antara kaum yang telah dipupuk sejak dahulu. Setiap daripada kita hendaklah memuliakan tanpa mengambil kira perbezaan kebudayaan dan menghormati perbezaan agama tanpa mencetuskan konflik. Dengan wujudnya nilai sedemikian, kedamaian dan keamanan dapat terjamin sekaligus membuatkan kehidupan semua orang berada dalam keadaan selesa.




Pada 30 Jun 24, jurucakap kumpulan Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) iaitu Abu Rusdan bersama-sama 15 pemimpin kanan telah mengisytharkan pembubaran kumpulan tersebut serta menamatkan segala aktiviti berkaitan ekstremisme, radikalisme dan terorisme yang pernah dilakukan. Kenyataan mengenai pembubaran kumpulan JI tersebut disebarkan melalui satu rakaman video yang dirakam di Bogor, Jawa Barat. Antara pemimpin kanan yang terlibat adalah Para Wijayanto, Abu Mahmuda, Bambang Sukirno, Abu Fatih, Ustaz Zarkasih, Ustaz Shalahudin, Ustaz Fachrudin Soleh, Ustaz Saptono Munadi, Ustaz Abu Dujanah, Ustaz Qadri Faturrahman, Tengku Azhar, Ustaz Imtihan, Ustaz Hamad, Ustaz Mustaqim dan Ustaz Fahim.

Menerusi teks ucapan pengisytiharaan pembubaran kumpulan JI yang dibacakan oleh Abu Rusdan, hasrat untuk pembubaran kumpulan JI turut disokong oleh majlis kepimpinan JI, pemimpin institusi pendidikan gabungan dan sekolah berasrama Islam (pesantren).

Dalam masa yang sama, JI Indonesia turut memberitahu rancangan mereka untuk menyemak dan meneliti semula kurikulum pendidikan di pesantren yang berada di bawah organisasi tersebut dalam usaha menghapuskan ideologi ekstremis. Perkara ini adalah selaras dengan prinsip-prinsip Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah, undang-undang negara dan norma kehidupan masyarakat di Indonesia.


Jemaah Islamiyah yang juga dikenali sebagai Al-Jama’ah Al-Islamiyah@ Jamaah Islamiyah; @Jama’ah Islamiyah (JI) merupakan sebuah pertubuhan (tanzim) dan gerakan ideologi yang lahir daripada Darul Islam (DI), sebuah gerakan berorientasikan politik yang diasaskan oleh S.K. Kartosuwirjo, di tengah-tengah kemuncak perang kemerdekaan Indonesia melawan Belanda pada akhir tahun 1940.

Apabila Indonesia mencapai kemerdekaan pada tahun 1945, Presiden Sukarno mengisytiharkan bahawa Indonesia sebuah negara sekular yang berlandaskan ideologi Pancasila. Sehubungan itu, Kartosuwirjo bertindak menggunakan pendekatan militan dan mengisytiharkan jihad menentang kepimpinan Sukarto. Kartosuwirjo telah ditangkap dan di hukum mati pada tahun 1962. Walaupun beliau telah meninggal dunia, visi untuk menubuhkan Daulah Islamiyah di kepulauan Melayu (Nusantara) telah dikekalkan secara rahsia oleh pengikutnya iaitu Abdullah Sungkar dan Abu Bakar Basyir.

Pada tahun 1992, kumpulan JI telah ditubuhkan setelah berlakunya perselisihan pendapat antara Abdullah Sungkar dengan jaringan besar DI. Puncanya adalah perbezaan ideologi dan doktrin melibatkan konsep, kaedah dan pendekatan perjuangan jihad jaringan  Abdullah Sungkar yang dilihat lebih radikal dan keras berbanding aliran DI lain termasuk aliran Ajengan Masduki. Aliran Sungkar yang turut dikenali sebagai Sabilillah pada ketika itu berhasrat meneruskan perjuangan dengan perang bersenjata secara gerila. Dalam melaksanakan konsep dakwah, Abdullah Sungkar dan Abu Bakar Ba’asyir banyak dipengaruhi oleh pemikir-pemikir dari Timur Tengah seperti Sayyid Qutb dan Hassan Al-Banna (pengasas Ikhwanul Muslimin). JI juga dikenali sebagai sebuah kumpulan Salafi Jihadi yang bermaksud menggunakan kekerasan demi mencapai matlamat politik dan diilhamkan oleh ideologi yang sama seperti Al-Qaeda.

JI mula membentuk dirinya sebagai sebuah kumpulan pengganas dengan membekalkan sumber kewangan dan logistik kepada operasi Al-Qaeda di Asia Tenggara. Terdapat 4 cawangan Mantiqi iaitu  Mantiqi 1 merangkumi Malaysia dan Singapura, Mantiqi 2 merangkumi Indonesia, Mantiqi 3 merangkumi Mindanao, Sabah dan Kalimantan Timur serta Mantiqi 4 merangkumi Australia dan Maldives.

JI turut terkenal dengan taktik serangan pengeboman bunuh diri, menggunakan alat letupan Vehicle-Borne Improvised Explosive Device (VBIED) dan senjata kecil dalam aktiviti keganasan yang digunakan bagi menyerang sasarannya seperti gereja Kristian dan tempat hiburan. JI juga terlibat dalam aktiviti keganasan di negara luar termasuk Afghanistan, Syria dan selatan Filipina serta cubaan melaksanakan aktiviti keganasan di Singapura dan Malaysia.


Antara warga tempatan dan luar yang radikal lahir dari ideologi JI adalah seperti berikut :

  1. Hambali (Riduan Isamuddin) – Seorang pemimpin kanan JI yang menggunakan Malaysia sebagai pangkalan untuk menyelaraskan operasi JI. Hambali turut terlibat dalam merancang beberapa serangan termasuklah pengeboman yang berlaku di Bali pada tahun 2002.
  2. Noordin Mat Top – Merupakan warganegara Malaysia bertanggung jawab merekrut dan pakar strategi JI. Noordin terlibat dalam beberapa siri pengeboman di Indonesia termasuk pengeboman di Hotel JW Marriott, Jakarta pada 2003.
  3. Azahari Husin – Anggota JI warganegara Malaysia yang pakar dalam pembuatan bom dan memainkan peranan penting dalam insiden pengeboman Bali serta serangan lain di Indonesia.
  4. Zulkifli Hir (Marwan) – Warganegara Malaysia yang menjadi anggota JI dan terlibat dalam aktiviti keganasan di Filipina. Marwan turut dikaitkan dengan beberapa insiden pengeboman dan tersenarai sebagai orang paling dikehendaki oleh FBI. Marwan dibunuh dalam serbuan di Filipina pada tahun 2015.
  5. Mas Selamat Kastari – Mas Selamat berasal dari Singapura dan dikaitkan mempunyai hubungan dengan JI. Selamat menjadikan Malaysia sebagai tempat persembunyian selepas melarikan diri dari tahanan di Singapura pada 2008 sebelum ditangkap semula setahun kemudian di Malaysia.
  6. Yazid Sufaat – Seorang ahli mikrobiologi berasal dari Malaysia dan bekas pegawai tentera berpangkat kapten. Yazid telah dikaitkan dengan kumpulan JI dan Al-Qaeda serta dilaporkan terlibat dalam satu penyelidikan untuk kumpulan Al-Qaeda. Yazid telah ditahan beberapa kali oleh pihak berkuasa Malaysia di bawah Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri.


Aktiviti JI mempunyai penekanan kepada Dawlah (Islamic outreach) dan penerbitan untuk menyediakan pangkalan sokongan mujahidin bagi aktiviti ekstremis. JI menyebarkan ideologi Jihad dengan melaksanakan proses merekrut secara covert melalui kenalan peribadi, kumpulan kajian agama dan rangkaian lebih 50 “pesantren” (sekolah agama/pondok). Sekolah-sekolah yang dikaitkan dengan JI terus menghasilkan generasi baru mujahidin yang berpotensi dan telah diindoktrinasi ke dalam ideologi yang bersimpati dengan matlamat jangka panjang JI.  Penjara turut dilihat menjadi salah satu laluan untuk proses merekrut kerana sesetengah ahli JI yang ditahan mempunyai akses kepada rakan-rakan tahanan lain.


Ancaman keganasan yang dilaksanakan oleh JI tidak hanya tertumpu di sekitar rantau Asia Tenggara malah secara global melalui hubungan kerjasama dengan kumpulan pengganas seperti Al-Qaeda dan Taliban. Sehubungan itu, JI telah dimasukkan dalam senarai organisasi pengganas di bawah Resolusi Majlis Keselamatan Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu 1267 pada 25 Okt 02. Antara insiden signifikan adalah seperti berikut:

Christmas Eve Bombings

24 Dis 2000 – JI memulakan operasi serangan keganasan besar-besaran menerusi pengeboman 28 buah gereja secara serentak di bandar-bandar Indonesia di Jakarta, Sumatera, dan Jawa. Serangan ini membunuh 19 orang dan lebih 120 orang lain cedera. Insiden ini dikenali sebagai ‘Christmas Eve Bombings’ yang telah dirancang dan diselaraskan oleh ketua operasi JI yang dikenali sebagai Hambali.

Rizal Bombings

30 Dis 2000 – Beberapa letupan telah menggegarkan Metro Manila menerusi serangan pengeboman dikenali ‘Rizal Bombings’. Bom yang ditanam di sekitar bandar ini telah meletup dalam tempoh sejam. Letupan dikatakan berlaku di dalam bas di Cubao, stesen minyak di Makati dan Plaza Ferguson, Ermita berhampiran Kedutaan AS. Serangan yang paling teruk berlaku di dalam kereta api di Stesen Blumentritt LRT 1 di Manila yang meragut nyawa seramai 22 orang manakala 100 orang cedera.

Bali Bombings

12 Okt 2002 – Letupan bom yang berlaku di Bali, Indonesia telah meragut seramai 202 nyawa dan mencederakan hampir 300 orang. Sebuah bom meletup di Kelab Malam Paddy’s Pub dan Sari Club, kawasan yang menjadi tumpuan pelancong ketika berada di Bali.

JW Marriot Hotel Bombings

05 Ogos 2003 – Sebuah kenderaan yang sarat dengan bahan letupan meletup di jalan masuk JW Marriott Hotel mengakibatkan 11 orang maut dan 152 yang lain cedera. Letupan tercetus pada hari terakhir perbicaraan suspek yang dituduh merancang dan melakukan pengeboman di Bali pada Oktober 2002.

Kedutaan Australia di Jakarta

09 Sep 2004 – Sebuah kereta meletup di luar kawasan kedutaan Australia yang terletak di Jakarta, Indonesia. Sembilan warga Indonesia terbunuh dan lebih 180 orang tercedera ekoran daripada impak letupan berkenaan. PK Indonesia kemudian berjaya menahan dan menghukum enam anggota JI berhubung serangan tersebut.

Jakarta Bombings

17 Jul 2009 – Insiden ‘Jakarta Bombings’ merupakan serangan bunuh diri yang menyasarkan dua buah hotel iaitu JW Marriott dan Ritz-Carlton di daerah Mega Kuningan, Jakarta, Indonesia. Pengeboman ini mengakibatkan tujuh maut termasuk tiga warga Australia manakala lebih 50 orang cedera.

Kawasan sasaran JI dilihat tertumpu kepada kawasan tumpuan awam dengan menyasarkan ‘soft target’ daripada menyasarkan fasiliti ketenteraan atau ‘hard target’. JI menggunakan kaedah serangan bunuh diri dan pengeboman kereta untuk memaksimumkan korban sekaligus menimbulkan rasa ketakutan di kalangan orang awam. 


Hasil kesepakatan antara majlis kepimpinan JI bersama pimpinan lembaga pendidikan dan pondok pesantren telah mengeluarkan enam inti pati yang bakal dilaksanakan selaras dengan pembubaran ini. Antara enam intipati tersebut adalah seperti berikut:

  1. Menyatakan pembubaran Kumpulan JI dan kembali ke pangkuan sistem negara Indonesia.
  1. Memastikan aliran sistem kurikulum bebas daripada unsur ekstremis dan berpandukan kepada prinsip-prinsip Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah.
  1. Membentuk pasukan bagi menyemak sistem kurikulum dan bahan pengajaran.
  1. Bersedia terlibat secara aktif dalam memenuhi kemerdekaan agar bangsa Indonesia menjadi bangsa yang maju dan bermartabat.
  1. Bersedia mengikut segala peruntukan sistem perundangan yang ada di Indonesia.
  1. Perkara berkaitan dengan perjanjian ini akan dibincangkan secara teliti bersama-sama dengan PK Indonesia.


Penerimaan anggota kumpulan JI: Berita pembubaran JI dilihat masih terlalu awal untuk menilai kejayaan PK Indonesia dalam menghapuskan kumpulan tersebut. Ideologi keganasan sukar untuk dihapuskan sehingga mereka berkemungkinan melakukan tindakan keganasan sendiri. Perkara ini dapat dilihat dengan penangkapan anggota JI di Sulawesi Tengah yang menunjukkan cubaan menghidupkan kembali ideologi JI setelah Mujahidin Indonesia Timur (MIT), kumpulan yang dominan di Sulawesi namun berjaya dilumpuhkan sepenuhnya pada tahun 2022. Pembubaran JI mungkin tidak dipersetujui oleh semua anggota JI yang dianggarkan kira-kira 6,000 orang yang lebih cenderung untuk berfikir bahawa pemimpin mereka disogok dengan kewangan. Disamping itu, Abu Rusdan dan Para Wijayanto dilihat kurang kredibiliti memandangkan masih dalam tahanan yang secara tidak langsung memberi gambaran bahawa mereka membuat pengisytiharan dalam keadaan terpaksa.

Ideologi: Ideologi JI tidak akan mudah untuk terhapus kerana ideologi kumpulan tersebut sudah bertapak sekian lama. Kemungkinan kewujudan sleeper cell yang dilihat mampu mengembalikan semula aktiviti keganasan di rantau Asia Tenggara mahupun global oleh pengikut-pengikut bawahan yang masih menganggap perjuangan mereka itu bersifat suci. Tidak menolak kemungkinan bakal wujudnya kumpulan baru yang lebih radikal pada masa hadapan seperti yang berlaku di Filipina. Pada tahun 2008, perjanjian diantara Kumpulan Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) dengan Kerajaan Filipina tidak disokong sepenuhnya oleh pengikutnya dan akhirnya menubuhkan kumpulan Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF). Pembubaran JI turut bermungkinan didorong oleh beberapa faktor termasuk pengaruh intelektual dalam JI yang kurang berminat dengan jihad ganas. Sehubungan itu, pendekatan secara positif boleh diambil menerusi pembubaran kumpulan JI ini. Pihak Kerajaan Indonesia boleh mengadakan perbincangan berterusan dengan kepimpinan JI dalam memastikan bahawa pembubaran mereka ini adalah satu tindakan yang menyeluruh dan bukan hanya tindakan untuk mengalih perhatian atau muslihat JI untuk melindungi aset dan sumber kewangan mereka, terutama jaringan sekolah agama (pesantren) milik mereka.


Kenyataan berhubung pembubaran kumpulan pengganas JI dilihat sebagai satu petanda positif dalam menghapuskan tanggapan bahawa umat Islam adalah pengganas yang sering kali dikaitkan oleh pihak Barat dan mengurangkan Islamophobia dalam kalangan negara bukan Islam.

Pembubaran ini memberi hala tuju yang positif dalam konteks menangani ekstremisme dan keganasan di Indonesia. Pihak berkuasa Indonesia melalui Kepolisian Republik Indonesia (POLRI) dan unit Densus 88 akan terus menggalas tanggungjawab besar dalam memastikan tiada ancaman baru yang muncul lanjutan daripada pembubaran ini. Pada masa yang sama, pembubaran JI ini juga berupaya memberi political mileage kepada pentadbiran Presiden Prabowo Subianto dalam mengendalikan ancaman ekstremisme dan keganasan yang lebih efektif berbanding pemerintahan yang sebelumnya.

Sepertimana yang diketahui, JI telah ditubuhkan di Malaysia dan dijangka masih ada lagi saki baki generasi yang menjadi symphatizer kepada ideologi kumpulan ini. Mereka boleh dianggap sleeper cell yang mampu melaksanakan serangan keganasan apabila dipacu oleh sentimen kebencian. Justeru, pemantauan berterusan oleh pihak berkuasa terhadap golongan symphatizer ini perlu dilakukan agar tidak ada elemen-elemen untuk menghidupkan perjuangan JI semula berlaku di negara ini. Pendedahan mengenai ancaman ekstremisme, radikalisme dan terorisme harus diketengahkan bagi semua peringkat umur terutamanya golongan remaja.



Quarterly Report: Terrorism Events And Developments In The Second Quarter of 2024

The second quarter of Terrorism Watch 2024 explores the most recent events and developments pertaining to terror-related incidents in Southeast Asia and significant incidents worldwide from April to June 2024.

Somalia has now successfully regained control of more than 215 locations previously controlled by the
Al-Shabaab group with the help of African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS), but it is expected to be a bit challenging when ATMIS will extract a few military personnel by the end of this year which will result in Al-Shabaab having the opportunity to control the
area again.

The lone wolf attack is seen as one of the current modus operandi often used by terrorist groups in launching terrorist
attacks nowadays.

There are still efforts to reactivate terrorist groups as well as the spread of Daesh ideology in Indonesia by some of the terrorist group followers who are obsessed and fanatical with their jihad struggle. The dissolution of Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) seen as the right step in curbing
terrorist activities.

Classifying a group and individual as terrorists is significant because it will facilitate the government to monitor the process and action against any terrorist activity in Malaysia.

In conclusion, the second quarter of 2024 sees an increase in the global and regional threat that terrorism poses. The threat perception has shifted to incorporate the dissemination of narratives in cyberspace, particularly on social media. Countries, particularly in this region, must take drastic measures to mitigate the issue.


There are significant events in a number of countries around the world during the second quarter of 2024. The threat of terrorism at the global and regional levels has shown a significant increase, in addition to the latest trends in European and African countries. There is an increasing menace of terrorism, both on a local and worldwide scale, particularly in the aftermath of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Terrorist organizations, particularly Daesh, persist in utilizing social media as very efficient means for disseminating their ideology. Respective agencies such as Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) and Royal Malaysian Police (RMP) need to carry out periodic monitoring of social media content as well as video applications such as YouTube that are capable of threatening national security and can be blocked from being accessed by Malaysians if necessary.

The following are the highlights of recent terrorism-related occurrences around the world:


On 13 Apr 24, a terrorist attack occurred in the Westfield Bondi Junction shopping center located on the outskirts of Sydney. Joel Cauchi, a guy, launched an assault on the mall resulting in the death of six bystanders and the injury of 12 others.

On 15 Apr 24, Mar Mari Emmanuel, a renowned Bishop Priest in Sydney, was stabbed, along with four other individuals, during an assault at the Assyrian Church of Christ The Good Shepherd in Sydney, Australia. The individual in question is a 15-year-old male who practices the Islamic faith. The police have officially classed the incident as an act of terrorism due to its religious and hateful motivations.

Both incidents can be classified as lone wolf attacks. The presence of Islamophobia is considered a contributing factor to the prejudiced nature of the Australian authorities’ allegations against the implicated persons. The violent attack in Sydney serves as a clear demonstration that both Muslim and non-Muslim societies continue to embrace and propagate radical and extreme narratives. If the authorities, particularly in Australia, do not adopt a more moderate approach in addressing the issue of crime, domestic violence, and terrorism, similar situations are likely to occur again. This is especially true when it includes Muslim minority populations in Australia.


On 1 Apr 24, The Somali National Army (SNA) conducted a military operation in central and southern Somalia, resulting in the elimination of 81 Al-Shabaab militants, including their leaders. The operation was conducted in the primary strongholds of Al-Shabaab in Galmudug, Hirshabelle, and Wajid, located in the Bakool Province. The military operation also eradicated the assets of armed vehicles owned by the terrorist organization.

On 3 Apr 24, The Somali National Army (SNA) initiated an aerial assault mission aimed at eliminating the leadership of Al-Shabaab in the town of Sablaale, located in the Lower Shabelle region, where it is suspected that the leaders are hiding. Ahmed Diriye, also known as Abu Ubaida, is accountable for carrying out acts of terrorism in the East African region, specifically targeting Kenya, Uganda, and Djibouti.

On 1 Apr 24, The Somali National Army (SNA) conducted a military operation in central and southern Somalia, resulting in the elimination of 81 Al-Shabaab militants, including their leaders. The operation was conducted in the primary strongholds of Al-Shabaab in Galmudug, Hirshabelle, and Wajid, located in the Bakool Province. The military operation also eradicated the assets of armed vehicles owned by the terrorist organization.

On 3 Apr 24, The Somali National Army (SNA) initiated an aerial assault mission aimed at eliminating the leadership of Al-Shabaab in the town of Sablaale, located in the Lower Shabelle region, where it is suspected that the leaders are hiding. Ahmed Diriye, also known as Abu Ubaida, is accountable for carrying out acts of terrorism in the East African region, specifically targeting Kenya, Uganda, and Djibouti.

The operation was most likely carried out in response to the increasing threat of terrorism, particularly in Galmudug, Hirshabelle, and Wajid, Bakool Region, as a result of the uncertain political climate following the local elections. The investigation discovered that there was a misunderstanding among the tribes in these three locations, which resulted in a small number of local armed organizations switching their support from the government to Al-Shabaab. The current situation is expected to hamper the momentum of the counter-terrorism operation being carried out by Somali security forces in collaboration with the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS). At the same time, Somali security forces’ actions in targeting Al-Shabaab’s leader, Abu Ubaida, are expected to put additional pressure on the terrorist group. The Somali government is also expected to scale up operations to curtail Al-Shabaab’s push to reclaim control of the territory seized by the Somali security forces, as well as regaining the support of local militant organizations over the Somali government.


On 23 Apr 24, Pakistani security forces killed three terrorists from the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) during an operation in Balochistan’s Pishin area. An Afghan citizen who was a member of the TTP was injured during the intense combat with government forces. The operation also revealed a facility to store bombs, weapons, and ammo.

On 4 May 24, Pakistani security forces effectively killed six TTP terrorists during an operation in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The terrorist group’s hideout was also destroyed during this rigorous operation.

Terrorism is primarily concentrated in Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. The Pakistani government has made various steps to avoid terrorist acts, which routinely endanger the safety and well-being of the populace. Pakistan recently began working with Iran to combat terrorism, focusing on terrorist organizations sheltering in Afghanistan. This agreement is expected to encourage Afghanistan to prevent terrorist groups from using the country as a safe haven or hotspot. Furthermore, this action is considered to put pressure on terrorist organizations who previously sought to use the friction between Iran and Pakistan about border assaults.


On 31 May 24, French authorities arrested an 18-year-old adolescent for reportedly plotting a terrorist attack during the upcoming Paris Olympics in Saint-Etienne, France. The suspect, a Muslim adolescent of Chechen heritage, is alleged to be preparing an attack on the Geoffroy-Guichard Stadium in Saint-Etienne during an upcoming soccer match. The suspect planned to carry out a suicide assault on both the audience and the security forces.

France is implementing tight security measures in preparation for the 2015 Paris Olympics, which are projected to draw 10,000 participants and 10 million tourists. The arrests conducted before to the Olympic events underlined the possibility of terrorist strikes amid the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. France has the largest Jewish population in Europe and the third-largest worldwide. The participation of Israeli athletes in the Olympics makes it a prominent target for terrorist attacks by both groups and individuals. French authorities have taken aggressive measures, boosting the number of enforcement personnel to 15,000. Furthermore, travelers will not have gratis entrance to attend the opening ceremony for security reasons.


On 15 Apr 24, Turkiye Security Forces carried out a cross-border operation in Hakhurk province, Northern Iraq, killing 12 Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) terrorists. The military operation targeted the PKK terrorist group’s base in the border region between Turkey and Iraq.

On 15 May 24, Turkish security forces arrested suspected Daesh terrorists in four parts of the country. The operation “Bozdogan-38” took place in the provinces of Sanliurfa, Hatay, Denizli, and Konya. The alleged terrorists are accused of recruiting new Daesh members, supplying the organization with weapons and training, delivering logistical support and finance help to the active members.

Turkiye is actively tackling the terrorism issue by focusing on the PKK terrorist group’s strongholds along the Turkiye-Iraq-Syria border. In light of the increased threat of terrorism, Turkiye Security Forces are expected to strengthen Operation Claw-Lock, an anti-terrorism effort centered on the Qandil Mountains, the PKK terrorist group’s main stronghold. Furthermore, different tactics and operations have been beneficial in disrupting Daesh’s planned terrorist attacks. Since June 23, there have been over 1,000 anti-terror operations targeting Daesh, resulting in the arrest of over 2,000 people. The ongoing operation demonstrates Turkiye’s unwavering commitment to the peace, unity, and security of its people and the wider international community. This incarceration is expected to undermine the PKK terrorist group and the Daesh network in Turkey, as well as ensuring that no terrorist financing may take place within the country.




On 16 Apr 24, The Special Detachment 88 Anti-Terrorism Team (Densus 88) apprehended seven suspected terrorists in Central Sulawesi, specifically in Palu City, Sigi Regency, and Poso Regency. It is widely thought that they have links to the Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) network. Densus 88 carried out searches in multiple residences in Talise Valangguni Village, Palu City, and in Kalukubula Village, Sigi Regency to collect evidence. The evidence recovered included laptops, mobile phones, and documents pertaining to strategies for obtaining funds to support Daesh’s ongoing operations.

On 16 June 24, a suspected terrorist was apprehended by Densus 88 in Cikampek, Karawang Regency, West Java. The alleged terrorist was apprehended for allegedly joining a network supporting Daesh in Indonesia and conspiring to carry out acts of terrorism involving explosives. The Indonesian Security Forces also seized multiple electronic components and explosives that were planned for use in the terrorist attack.

On 30 June 24, Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) formally declared its demise via a video made in Bogor, West Java. In the video, which has a duration of three minutes and 10 seconds, Abu Rusdan, the spokesperson of the JI group, can be seen reading the declaration of dissolution. He is surrounded by 15 prominent leaders of the organization, namely Para Wijayanto, Abu Mahmuda, Bambang Sukirno, Abu Fatih, Ustaz Zarkasih, Ustaz Shalahudin, Ustaz Fachrudin Soleh, Ustaz Saptono Munadi, Ustaz Abu Dujanah, Ustaz Qadri Faturrahman, Tengku Azhar, Ustaz Imtihan, Ustaz Hamad, Ustaz Mustaqim, and Ustaz Fahim. The decision has received certification from top members of the JI leadership council, leaders of educational institutions, and pesantren.

Despite the dissolution of JI, the persistence of terrorist ideology poses a formidable challenge in completely eradicating it, hence enabling the potential for individuals to partake in acts of violence. This is evident from the apprehension of JI members attempting to revive JI’s ideology in Sulawesi following the complete incapacitation of the Mujahiddin Indonesia Timur (MIT) in 2022. Indonesian security personnel must remain vigilant against autonomous splinter groups. The apprehension of Daesh terrorist suspects is perceived as a component of the government’s endeavors to implement preemptive measures. While sanctions and the implementation of anti-terrorism laws have significantly weakened terrorist organizations in Indonesia, the dissemination of Daesh’s ideology still has the potential to radicalize individuals, leading to ongoing terrorist actions. Indonesia is expected to heighten its surveillance in order to detect any indications of terrorist activity and prevent a repetition of incidents like the Bali bombing.


On 16 Apr 24, Terrorist groups Dawlah Islamiyah (DI) and Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) conducted an ambush in Maguindanao Del Sur, resulting in the death of four members of the MILF. The deceased individuals are all inhabitants of Dapiawan hamlet in Datu Saudi Ampatuan, Maguindanao del Sur.

On 22 Apr 24, a high-ranking leader of a terrorist organization and 11 members of the BIFF were eliminated, while seven military soldiers sustained injuries during a conflict in Maguindanao del Sur. The deceased BIFF leader has been named as Mohiden Animbang, also known as Kagui Karialan. He was murdered during a fierce confrontation with the police forces at Kampung Kitango, Datu Saudi Ampatuan. A number of weaponry, including three M16 rifles and one M14 rifle, were confiscated.

On 25 May 24, Ahmed Samsudin @ Jivin Ansao, a BIFF member and expert in Improvised Explosive Devices (IED), was killed by Philippine Security Forces in Barangay Butilen, Salibo, Maguindanao del Sur. The Philippine Security Forces initiated an attack following the sharing of information by the local community about the presence of a group of BIFF members in the area. Ahmed, who was killed found with a .45-caliber pistol, five cartridges, a cellphone and 26 IEDs.

On 28 May 24, Udon Hasim, a high-ranking member of the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG), also known as Utoh or Kah, was eliminated during a military operation conducted by the Philippine Security Forces in Barangay Lahay-Lahay, Tandubas, Tawi-Tawi. Udon initiated an armed conflict with Philippine Security Forces after they declined to surrender, resulting in the injuries of one member and the fatalities of two others. This operation confiscated several packets of methamphetamine, along with M14 and M16 guns and a quantity of ammunition.

This assault is perceived by the DI and BIFF terrorist groups as a reaction to the 2014 Comprehensive Agreement, which they contend has had a detrimental effect on them, and the collaboration between the MILF and the government. The Philippine Security Forces’ efficacy is indicative of the country’s dedication to the fight against terrorism in the Southern Philippines. It is expected that the Philippine Security Forces will intensify their Focused Military Operation (FMO) against the residual members of the group in Maguindanao del Sur province. Furthermore, the Security Force is anticipated to strengthen security measures in high-risk areas by fostering collaboration with local authorities and community leaders.


The terrorist threat at the national level is currently being effectively managed. From 2013 to the present, the nation has apprehended approximately 565 individuals who are associated with Daesh terrorist and militant networks. This figure includes 197 non-nationals and 368 domestic residents.

On 17 May 24, two police officers were killed, and another was injured in an incident at the Ulu Tiram Police Station. The perpetrator, identified as Radinromyullah bin Radin Imran, dressed in dark attire and a mask, brandished a machete and attacked two police officers who were on duty. The assailant successfully disarmed the policemen, taking possession of their gun barrels, a Walter P99 handgun, and a HK-MP5. The perpetrator thereafter discharged two rounds at an individual, causing injuries to the shoulder and abdomen, while another individual sustained laceration to the posterior aspect of the neck and head.

On 13 June 24, Muhammad Sani Mahdi Sahad, a garden worker, has been accused at the Muar Sessions Court, Johor, for providing support to Daesh. The person has been arrested twice before under the Security Offenses (Special Measures) Act 2012 (Sosma). The latest allegation pertains to providing support to the Daesh terrorist organization via Facebook using the pseudonym ‘Abu Ibrahim’, which was then changed to ‘Oyen Ucuk’. The defendant is being accused of an offense under Section 130J (1) (a) of the Penal Code, which carries a maximum punishment of 40 years imprisonment or a fine. Additionally, any property utilized in the commission of the felony may be subject to confiscation.

On 19 June 24, Five individuals from the suspect’s family involved in the Ulu Tiram Police Station attack, which led to the fatalities of two police officers, were brought before the Johor Bahru Sessions Court. Each of the suspects was charged with nine distinct counts of promoting and fostering the ideology of the Daesh terrorist organization. The accused individuals consist of Radin Imran Radin Mohd Tassin, aged 62, his spouse Rosna Jantan, aged 59, and their three children Radin Romyullah, aged 34, Sobrina, aged 23, and Mariah, aged 19.

On 24 June 24, The Anti-Terrorist Division (E8) of the Special Branch, Bukit Aman, carried out an operation that led to the successful apprehension of eight individuals who are connected to terrorist organizations. Individuals have been apprehended in multiple areas throughout the nation in relation to the threats made against the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong and the Prime Minister. These individuals are believed to be connected to the Daesh group. All the individuals under investigation are being charged with the offenses of soliciting and offering assistance to Daesh, possessing materials associated with terrorist activity, and facilitating the commission of terrorist actions.

On 25 June 24, A 35-year-old man has been accused before the Sessions Court in Kuala Lumpur with three counts of aiding, possessing items, and admitting to being a member of the Daesh terrorist organization. The accused, Muhammad Muzzammil Mohd Mohlis, who works at a restaurant, has been formally accused of willfully providing assistance to Daesh. This was allegedly done through the use of a Facebook account under the name Ibn Nuhas and a Telegram account under the name Wilayah Maliziyah (in Arabic).

The police have determined that the Ulu Tiram assault was a lone wolf attack, motivated by the perpetrators’ own understanding and without the involvement of the JI terrorist group. The ideology of JI continues to be present in Malaysia, and they can be regarded as a sleeper cell that is capable of perpetrating terrorist acts when motivated by malicious sentiments. The authorities should devote their entire attention to the presence of foreign terrorist fighters (FTF), particularly Mohammed Farik Amin and Mohammed Nazir Lep (Bali Bombing 2002), who will be released from Guantanamo prison in five years. The Ulu Tiram police station assault has attracted substantial attention from numerous countries, particularly Singapore and Indonesia. JI’s continued operation in Malaysia could have a detrimental impact on both countries.

The majority of the suspects being apprehended are erstwhile radicals and individuals who have been re-accused for the same offense. This point demonstrates that recidivism is also a concern, which demonstrates the difficulty of recovering from the ideology of violence. Despite the fact that the data suggests that fewer than 5% of extremists revert to terrorist beliefs, they are able to entice family members and intimate companions to become involved, thereby increasing the likelihood of an attack in Malaysia. Several factors, including community stigma, difficulties in life, lack of support from the community, and limited rehabilitation programs, are also likely to contribute to recidivism. Therefore, it is imperative that the authorities, particularly the Malaysian Communications Multimedia Commission (MCMC), collaborate with the Royal Malaysia Police and other security agencies to strengthen their monitoring efforts in order to prevent the public from accessing social media platforms that advocate for violent and radical extremist narratives in Malaysia. Malaysia must also address it in a prudent manner by instituting Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (PCVE) awareness programs, such as rehabilitation and support programs for ex-radical prisoners, through related agencies.


At the global and regional levels, there is still a rise in the presence of extremism, radicalism, and terrorism in the second quarter of 2024. Countries including Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, and Turkey continue to experience terrorism threats as a result of persistent instability. Furthermore, terrorist organizations capitalize on Israel’s military operations in Palestine to inspire lone-wolf attacks, employing the slogan “Kill Them Wherever You Find Them.” Two incidents in Australia could be classified as lone wolf assaults. However, the Australian authorities’ bias toward the individuals in question is perceived as being driven by the Islamophobia factor. However, France is currently in the process of bolstering security measures for the Paris Olympics by escalating the threat level to the highest level following the successful apprehension of a suspect who was attempting to carry out a terrorist attack. France, which has the highest concentration of Jews in Europe, is a prime target for terrorist attacks from any terrorist group or lone wolf, as it endorses Israel’s participation in the Olympic games.

Indonesia’s proactive measures have effectively suppressed terrorism in the nation following the election, as evidenced by the increasing threat of terrorism in Southeast Asia. It is deemed premature to assess the Indonesian Security Forces’ effectiveness in eradicating the group in light of the announcement of JI’s dissolution. Eliminating terrorist ideologies is a formidable task, as terrorists are inclined to inflict violence upon themselves. The sentiment of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict issue continues to drive the increasing presence of pro-Daesh media on social media. It is believed that the Indonesian Security Forces’ seizure of terrorist suspects is intended to thwart terrorist activities and efforts to re-strengthen terrorist groups in the Sulawesi region. In the interim, the Philippines is continuing to bolster their operations by employing a harsh approach through Focused Military Operations (FMO) to eliminate certain remaining terrorist groups, particularly DI and BIFF. This is evident in a sequence of conflicts between the terrorist organization and the Philippine Security Forces. The terrorist group’s defeat in the conflict is also likely to be significantly influenced by the deaths of senior leaders, as the majority of terrorist members are currently teenagers.

The influence of external media is a contributing factor to the increase in the terrorism threat in Malaysia, which has resulted in Malaysians becoming sympathizers and committing lone wolf attacks. The incident in Ulu Tiram underscores the potential for individuals who are motivated by the ideology of terrorism and are capable of conducting lone wolf attacks. The Royal Malaysia Police are believed to have prevented any unwanted incidents by apprehending terrorist suspects who had threatened the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong and the Prime Minister, as well as individuals suspected of having connections to the Daesh group. The Ulu Tiram Police Station attack was a lone wolf act that did not involve the JI terrorist group. Nevertheless, the ideology of JI is still considered pertinent, and the group can be regarded as a sleeper cell that is capable of carrying out attacks when motivated by hateful sentiments. In this regard, the National Action Plan on Prevention and Countering Violent Extremism (NAPPCVE), the national strategy document for countering terrorism, is anticipated to be released. It is capable of implementing comprehensive preventive measures through the Whole of Government and Whole of Society (WOGOS) approach.

In summary, the threat of terrorism at the global and regional levels continues to be a source of concern, as evidenced by numerous incidents in Europe and Australia. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the Daesh campaign “And Kill Them Wherever You Find Them” have prompted numerous countries to increase the level of terrorism threat and implement more stringent security measures, particularly during high-profile events such as the Olympics. The social media platforms continue to serve as a catalyst for terrorist organizations to recruit self-radicalized members to conduct lone wolf attacks. In order to effectively address this issue, it is imperative that each nation implement a PCVE awareness campaign. In Malaysia, the Royal Malaysia Police are believed to be capable of preventing any terrorist attacks through preemptive operations. However, if the primary cause is not effectively addressed by the authorities, it is conceivable that the Ulu Tiram attack will recur. Daesh is reportedly increasing the dissemination of propaganda in Malaysia by employing the Malaysian vernacular to appeal to sympathizers within the country. The risk of terrorist acts is assessed as “possible,” and the threat of terrorism in the country is presently moderate / Code Blue. Consequently, the dissemination of Daesh propaganda in Southeast Asia, particularly Malaysia, should not be underestimated.

Quarterly Report: Terrorism Events And Developments In The First Quarter of 2024

The first quarter of Terrorism Watch 2024 explores the most recent events and developments pertaining to terror-related incidents in Southeast Asia and significant incidents worldwide from January to March 2024.

The ongoing Palestinian-Israeli conflict has been exploited by terrorist groups to provoke their supporters to carry out attacks on western interests around the world. The quote “And Kill Them Wherever You Find Them” has been used in Daesh’s global campaign against Jews and their allies since early January 2024.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is believed to be a persistent source of violence, as evidenced by the recent incident in Russia that resulted in numerous casualties. It is crucial to address this issue seriously in order to prevent the emergence of a global trend of hostility, such as Islamophobia and xenophobia, within Russia.

Indonesia’s proactive measures effectively suppressed terrorism in the country during an election period, resulting in no terrorist activity as opposed to past elections. Based on records, there were a minimum of nine instances of terrorist actions directly linked to elections in 2014, and over six occurrences were observed during the 2019 elections.

The prevalence of propaganda regarding terror threats against Malaysia is observed to be on the rise. Pro-Daesh media groups in the Middle East and Indonesia are making efforts to target Malaysian sympathisers and incite them to carry out lone wolf attacks against the assets and representatives of major world powers in Malaysia.

In conclusion, the first quarter of 2024 sees an increase in the global and regional threat that terrorism poses. The threat perception has shifted to incorporate the dissemination of narratives in cyberspace, particularly on social media. Countries, particularly in this region, must take drastic measures to mitigate the issue.

Global Trend

There are significant events in a number of countries around the world during the first quarter of 2024. The threat of terrorism at the global and regional levels has shown a significant increase, in addition to the latest trends in European and African countries. There is an increasing menace of terrorism, both on a local and worldwide scale, particularly in the aftermath of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Terrorist organizations, particularly Daesh, persist in utilizing social media as very efficient means for disseminating their ideology. Respective agencies such as Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) and Royal Malaysian Police (RMP) need to carry out periodic monitoring of social media content as well as video applications such as YouTube that are capable of threatening national security and can be blocked from being accessed by Malaysians if necessary.

The following are the highlights of  terrorism-related occurrences around the world:


On 7 Jan 24, the terrorist organisation, Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP), has acknowledged their culpability for the detonation of a bus in Kabul, resulting in the deaths of two civilians and the injury of 14 more. The Afghanistan Security Forces determined that the explosion was a result of the placement of explosives on a bus in the Dasht-e-Barchi neighbourhood, which is predominantly inhabited by the Shia Hazara community.

ISKP appears to be targeting Shiism-affiliated organisations due to the heretical status of Shiism. Since August 2021, when the Taliban overthrew the government supported by the United States and terminated their insurgency, there has been a significant decline in the frequency of bombings and suicide attacks in Afghanistan. Nevertheless, terrorism continues to be a threat to the nation from a variety of armed organisations, ISKP included. ISKP targets the Shia community residing in Dasht-e-Barchi due to the Taliban’s inadequate security control in the region and the presence of this community. The attack unequivocally demonstrates whether ISKP members were killed or whether an attempt was made to eradicate the Shia ethnic group in Afghanistan through ethnic cleansing. Such conduct is anticipated to be maintained by ISKP as it serves as their method of operation to maintain Afghanistan’s instability and tarnish the reputation of the present Afghan government.


On 8 Jan 24, Mullah Hasan Akhund, the Interim Prime Minister of Afghanistan nominated by the Taliban, has held a meeting with Maulana Fazlur Rehman, the leader of Jamiat Ulama-I-Islam Fazl Party (JUI-F), in an attempt to alleviate the animosity between the two nations. The meeting convened in Kabul was arranged per the Afghanistan government’s request, and the visit of JUI-F was the first since the Taliban assumed control in 2021.

On 8 Jan 24, an explosive device has exploded on the roadside in close proximity to a van transporting police officers who were providing security for workers engaged in an anti-polio vaccination campaign in northern Pakistan. An explosion ensued following the initiation of an anti-polio campaign by the Government of Pakistan in Mahmud, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, which was formerly under the control of Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP). The explosion resulted in the demise of six law enforcement officers and inflicted injuries upon 10 additional individuals.

The meeting between the Government of Afghanistan and JUI-F is primarily aimed at engaging in discussions to identify effective solutions for a problem and resolve any misunderstandings between the two neighbouring countries. An ongoing source of conflict between the two nations is the repatriation of over half a million Afghan nationals residing in Pakistan without legal authorization. Afghanistan regarded such approach as ineffective in resolving the situation and instead fostering mistrust.  The Pakistani government is apprehensive about the TTP’s presence in Afghanistan as they seek sanctuary from the Taliban regime. Nevertheless, Afghanistan has protested to this, asserting that it will not permit any terrorist organisation to utilise its territory as a launching pad for assaulting Pakistan. The tension between these two countries is unlikely to prompt any significant measures by the Afghanistan Taliban administration to ensure maximum border control and prevent it. Pakistan’s expulsion of Afghan people as a measure to combat terrorism is viewed as potentially causing humanitarian problems that adversely affect the country. The anti-polio programme frequently faces disruptions from terrorists, particularly the TTP, who perceive this immunisation drive as a Western scheme. This move is likely to be executed based on limited perspective and religious extremism, disregarding the opinions given by the experts of Pakistan. These actions exemplify their defence of the religion and rights of the Pakistani people, as well as their protection of the fundamental values that underpin their existence. Additionally, they are successfully garnering support from local individuals for their organisation, particularly among those who still harbour doubts or reservations regarding the vaccination campaign.


On 23 Mar 24, a total of 137 individuals lost their lives and 145 others sustained injuries in a terrorist assault that took place at Crocus City Hall in Moscow. The Daesh terrorist group has asserted accountability for the assault in a concise declaration released by the Daesh-associated news agency Amaq on the Telegram platform. The attackers, armed with guns and grenades, deliberately lit the building on fire, resulting in one of Moscow’s most severe acts of terrorism in the past two decades.

The attack occurred within a week after President Vladimir Putin’s landslide victory in the election. Evidence indicates that the president’s triumph in the nation is probable to be a contributing element to the occurrence. The Russian Security Forces successfully apprehended four foreign suspects, including individuals from Tajikistan. The probable perpetrator of this incident is ISIS-K (ISIS Khorosan) due to their track record of engaging in acts of terrorism in Russia over the past two years, and their frequent mention in President Putin’s propaganda as a subject of criticism. The ISIS-K terrorist group asserted accountability for the suicide attack at the Russian Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan in September 2022. On March 24, the US embassy in Russia cautioned American citizens to steer clear of major gatherings due to credible evidence indicating that ISIS-K had intentions to carry out attacks in Moscow by targeting such events. Russia is anticipated to enhance security measures in order to thwart terrorist strikes. This incident is anticipated to exacerbate the ongoing dispute between Russia and Ukraine, as the Russian President has accused the terrorist of attempting to seek refuge in Ukraine, a claim that Ukraine has refuted as baseless.


7 Jan 24, The Somalia National Army (SNA), aided by the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) and local insurgents, has effectively eliminated 76 individuals affiliated with the Al-Shabaab extremist group. Additionally, numerous others were wounded during a two-day military operation conducted in the Mudug district. One of the casualties included a high-ranking leader of the Al-Shabaab extremist group. The operation conducted by the SNA has specifically targeted the strongholds of Al-Shabaab in central and southern Somalia. It has successfully demolished the bases and vehicles that are owned by the terrorists.

On 3 Feb 24, the SNA The Somalia National Army (SNA), with the assistance of local forces, has initiated a military campaign targeting Al-Shabaab in the village of Shabelow, located in the Mudug district. The conflict commenced when Al-Shabaab initiated an assault on a military installation within the urban area, utilising explosive devices and firearms. The SNA in collaboration with local troops, conducted an operation in which they discovered a cache of weaponry and successfully destroyed four trucks that belonged to the extremist group Al-Shabaab.

The operation has significantly affected the terrorist group Al-Shabaab, particularly in terms of morale, as they suffered substantial losses in terms of members, along with the destruction of their base and major injuries to several of its militants who were engaged in the battle. This indirectly hinders the terrorist group from temporarily executing any acts of terrorism in the region.  The Somali National Army (SNA) has intensified its military campaigns against the extremist organisation Al-Shabaab since July 2022 by closely collaborating with African nations within the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM). This endeavour demonstrates the efficacy of global collaboration in combating terrorism, as well as the populace’s consciousness in striving for an improved quality of life. However, the strategic placement of military personnel in regulated regions is considered crucial to prevent the reassertion of power by terrorist insurgents. Close collaboration between the government and local insurgents is considered crucial in providing military training and weapons assistance. This partnership helps address the security vacuum in the volatile region.


On 3 Feb 24, a total of 34 foreign individuals affiliated with Daesh were apprehended during the anti-terrorism operation codenamed Cage-35. This operation was conducted simultaneously in seven provinces, namely Istanbul, Kocaeli, Yalova, Kayseri, Bursa, Duzce, and Yozgat. The operation commenced following an incident in which two assailants discharged firearms at Christians inside a church.

On 7 Feb 24, 10 of 15 suspected Daesh members have been apprehended by Turkish Security Forces during an anti-terrorism operation in three provinces centred on Istanbul. The operation is executed in a total of 23 distinct locations, eight districts in Istanbul, and one each in the provinces of Kocaeli and Yalova.

Since June 2023, Turkish officials have arrested 2086 individuals believed to be associated with the Daesh terrorist organisation. Recently, Turkish officials apprehended 25 individuals who are believed to have committed the act of shooting a man during a religious gathering in a church. The terrorist organisation known as Daesh has acknowledged that they are responsible for the attack. They have stated that the motive behind the attack was in accordance with the directives issued by Daesh authorities to specifically target individuals who identify as Jews and Christians. The ongoing war in the Middle East between Israel and Palestine is a significant contributing element to the emergence of the spirit of jihad among the adherents of the terrorist group. Turkiye is anticipated to persistently escalate extensive efforts to counteract the ideology and subsequent activities of terrorist organisations within the country, with the aim of managing security challenges. Daesh is currently facing significant challenges due to targeted actions against it, including the apprehension and elimination of several members by Turkish authorities. The organisation has the ability to revive itself by employing innovative strategies to disseminate its ideas and attract prospective members.

Terrorism Trends in Southeast Asia


On 9 Jan 24, Two emerging media conglomerates in Indonesia, Al-Qanishun and Al-Qosd, have recently begun translating posters and remarks from Abu Hudhayfa al-Ansari, the spokesperson for Daesh, with regards to the “And Kill Them Whenever You Find Them” campaign. These two Indonesian media outlets that support Daesh also translated posters created by Daesh’s worldwide media, such as Hadm Al-Aswar and Tala’ia al-Ansar Production, into the Indonesian language.

On 27 Jan 24, A total of 10 individuals suspected of being members of the Jamaah Islamiyah terrorist organisation have been apprehended in various locations around Central Java, Indonesia. The suspected terrorist is accused of participating in giving operational assistance to the JI group, which includes aiding their actions, harbouring sought or fugitive members, and soliciting donations. Furthermore, it is believed that they also offer logistical support by gathering firearms or sharp weapons to enhance the capabilities and skills of JI members.

The Pro Daesh media organisation in Indonesia is likely to continue prioritising their campaign with the motto “And Kill Them Wherever You Find Them.” The proliferation of Pro Daesh media groups is on the rise due to the campaign’s perceived ability to sway Daesh supporters across Southeast Asia. Concentrating on a “easy target” can have adverse consequences if the phone is answered by a supporter of Daesh from Malaysia. Terrorist groups are said to be targeting Indonesia’s 2024 General Election as an opportunity to disseminate extremist and radical ideology among the people. Based on records, there were a minimum of nine instances of terrorist actions directly linked to elections in 2014, and over six occurrences were observed during the 2019 elections. The Indonesia Security Forces’ proactive measure of detaining members of terrorist groups was deemed successful in preventing any disruptions during this year’s election, which occurred on February 14th.

The Philippines

On 3 Jan 24, Two intelligence operatives from the 51st Infantry Battalion (51IB) of the Army were fatally attacked in an ambush that took place in the town of Lininding, Munai, Lanao del Norte, Philippines. During the event, the three military intelligence agents were returning to the camp after successfully carrying out an intelligence operation in the neighbouring region when they were assaulted by unidentified armed individuals. At the scene, two out of the three agents, Raul Pabuaya and Murphy Delos Santos, were fatally wounded, while another member, Joenipher, successfully evaded the attack.

On 8 Dec, the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) killed at least nine members of Dawlah Islamiyah (DI) in air and ground offensives carried out by the military. DI is the local and Arabic name for ISIS, the Middle Eastern terror group. DI had blamed the MILF for the military’s offensives against the Islamic State-aligned group which started after a confirmation that the group was recruiting people in Sitio Wata in Pagalungan.

On 10 Mar 24, Cpl Ricky Mendoza Gomez, a police intelligence officer stationed in Carmen, Cotabato province, was fatally assaulted in Santos City. An unidentified individual shot a participant of the advanced police intelligence networking proficiency training in the head and upper body using an M16 firearm when the victim was crossing the road in Barangay Sinawal. Members have already demonstrated exceptional accomplishments in apprehending numerous wanted terrorists among the ranks of the Dawlah Islamiya and Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF), who were implicated in lethal terrorist assaults.

The attack was believed to be connected to the retaliatory strike against the security operation carried out by the Philippine Security Forces, which resulted in the elimination of 12 members of the DI terrorist group on December 23. The Philippine Security forces are actively engaged in operations to apprehend all DI terrorists in the Philippines and ensure that their activities are entirely eradicated. The Philippine Security Forces have previously conducted many offensives against terrorist targets associated with Daesh through a Focused Military Operation (FMO) in order to prevent and eradicate the remaining militants in the country. During this period, multiple operations were conducted in the city of Lanao, which is considered a stronghold of the DI-Maute group. Specifically, these actions were place in Pantao Ragat, Poona Plagapo, and Munai. The offensive operation conducted to eradicate the DI network, which continues to pose a security risk in Maguindanao, is regarded as a crucial endeavour to prevent the DI’s retaliatory plan against the Philippine Security Forces. FMO is anticipated to persistently exert a significant influence on the DI group, which is progressively seeing a decline in backing from local people and sympathisers.


The national level of terrorist threat is now being effectively managed. The cumulative number of apprehensions in the nation pertaining to persons associated with Daesh terrorist and militant networks from 2013 to the present stands at around 562, comprising 196 non-nationals and 366 domestic residents.

On 27 Jan 24, Two Malaysian individuals who admitted to being involved in the terrorist explosions that resulted in the deaths of 202 individuals in Bali, Indonesia in 2002 have been given an extra five-year prison sentence. Earlier, the United States military court in Guantanamo convicted the two accused, identified as Farik Amin, 48, and Nazir Lep, 47, to a 23-year prison term. US military judge Lt. Col. Wesley A Braun has determined that the suspect may be released within five years due to the prosecutor’s incompetence in failing to meet a court deadline for providing evidence to the defence attorney during case preparation.

On 20 Feb 24, The Telegram group Usud Afriqiyah recently shared a collection of posters created by the Al Aan Foundation, a media entity associated with the Islamic State East Asia Province (ISEAP). The collection is titled “Just Terror Tactic“. A billboard has depicted a plan to launch an assault on three embassies in Malaysia: the United States, Russian, and Chinese embassies. Furthermore, this poster has also endorsed the campaign “And Kill Them Wherever You Find Them“.

On 23 Mar 24, The propaganda group of the Islamic State East Asia Province (ISEAP), known as the Al Aan Foundation, has just shared a warning poster indicating their intention to target the Tokyo Skytree in Japan and the Merdeka 118 Tower in Malaysia for a future attack. The image submitted features the backdrop of the Merdeka 118 Tower in Malaysia, accompanied by the Daesh flag and the message “We Will Arrive on Your Doorstep.” Therefore, continue to remain patient. We are also eagerly awaiting with you! The image in the background of the Tokyo Skytree features the flag of Daesh, along with a phrase printed in Japanese that translates to “Come the Army that brings the truth“.

Following the sentence by US government, both Malaysian individuals will participate in a deradicalization programme administered by the Malaysian government and will be subject to lifelong surveillance by national security officials. This demonstrates the Malaysian government’s serious approach in addressing the issue of terrorism, serving as a model and a cautionary tale for fellow Malaysians to resist being swayed by terrorist objectives and propaganda. The Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF), in conjunction with the Royal Malaysian Police, must persist in shouldering the significant duty of preventing any new threats that may arise from this recent development, particularly in suppressing terrorist ideology among uniformed members. Moreover, religious institutions, which possess complete authority in Islamic matters, play a crucial role in addressing aspects of religious extremism. In terms of the overall role of the Malaysian Armed Forces, the Religious Corps of the MAF (KAGAT) is perceived as having the capacity to contribute to the planning of religious and spiritual activities. This includes initiatives like the Task Force PERISAI AKIDAH, which was previously implemented to provide education and clarification on the authentic Ahli Sunnah beliefs.

This particular instance of Daesh propaganda relating to Malaysia marks the first occurrence since 27 Feb 23, in which a pro-Daesh media unit has issued a poster targeting Malaysia. The billboard aims to urge Daesh supporters to attack Malaysia by featuring an image of the Petronas Twin Towers. An analysis of telegraph groups that disseminate information revealed that the majority of subscribers, who are members of these groups, are presumed to be from nations in the Middle East. Terrorist organisations are likely to manipulate the current Palestinian-Israeli conflict to incite their followers into launching attacks on Western targets globally. The phrase “And Kill Them Wherever You Find Them” has been employed by Daesh in their worldwide campaign targeting Jews and their supporters since the beginning of January 2024. Daesh’s narrative of their war, which is disseminated on social media by their networks and supporters, continues to have an impact on Muslims, particularly in the virtual realm. Hence, it is imperative to enhance surveillance conducted by the authorities, particularly the Malaysian Communications Multimedia Commission (MCMC), in cooperation with the RMP and other relevant security agencies, to effectively restrict public access to radical extremist websites that disseminate Daesh narratives within Malaysia. In Malaysia, Daesh’s impact is relatively insignificant compared to other nations in Southeast Asia. Furthermore, the current reception of Daesh’s campaign in Malaysia is not favourable, which can be attributed to the implementation of multiple awareness initiatives by different government ministries. However, despite this, the danger is still classified as high risk and surveillance of terrorism threat indicators continues intermittently.


The global and regional levels have seen a rise in incidences of terrorism during the first quarter of 2024, indicating a growing presence of extremism, radicalism, and terrorism. Countries like Afghanistan, Russia, Pakistan, Somalia, and Turkiye face persistent terrorism threats due to ongoing instability. Additionally, terrorist groups exploit Israel’s attacks on Palestine to incite lone wolf attacks, using the slogan “Kill Them Wherever You Find Them.” The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is believed to be a persistent source of violence, as evidenced by the recent incident in Russia that resulted in numerous casualties. It is crucial to address this issue seriously in order to prevent the emergence of a global trend of hostility, such as Islamophobia and xenophobia, within Russia. Turkiye remains proactive in countering terrorist threats by actively carrying out security operations along the Turkiye-Iraq-Syria border. The rising tensions between Afghanistan and Pakistan are rooted in the activities of the TTP terrorist group, which exploits the vulnerabilities in border security measures of both nations. Pakistan’s decision to repatriate over 500,000 undocumented Afghan residents is not perceived as a viable solution, as it fosters distrust and exacerbates humanitarian concerns. This action has a detrimental effect on the country, which is already grappling with challenges in its recently established government.

The rising threat of terrorism in Southeast Asia demonstrates that Indonesia’s proactive measures effectively suppressed terrorism in the country during an election period, resulting in no terrorist activity as opposed to past elections. Despite an increase in social media activity by pro-Deash media, particularly leading up to the election date and in relation to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, it has been discovered that the arrest of terrorist suspects has effectively halted the terrorist group’s plans and instilled fear among members of other terrorist groups. Meanwhile, in the Philippines, the government is actively implementing Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (PCVE) programmes, such as the Enhanced – Comprehensive Local Integration Programme (E-CLIP), to prevent the occurrence of terrorism. The Philippines implemented a more aggressive strategy known as Focused Military Operations (FMO) to suppress terrorist activities. This method effectively dismantled the DI-maguid group and resulted in the elimination of numerous high-ranking leaders from the DI, BIFF, and KAS terrorist organisations.

The prevalence of propaganda regarding terror threats against Malaysia is observed to be on the rise. Pro-Daesh media groups in the Middle East and Indonesia are making efforts to target Malaysian sympathisers and incite them to carry out lone wolf attacks against the assets and representatives of major world powers in Malaysia. The act of provocation is likely motivated by the limited influence of Daesh in Malaysia, relative to other Southeast Asian countries. They aim to exploit the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, perceiving Malaysia as a vocal advocate for the rights of the Palestinian people. Daesh supporters persist in using these tactics as their modus operandi to pique the curiosity of Malaysians, who are increasingly cognizant of the current terrorism crisis.

In conclusion, the global and regional threat of terrorism is increasing as a result of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and Daesh’s campaign titled “And Kill Them Wherever You Find Them”. Terrorist organisations persistently employ social media platforms as a fundamental tool to disseminate their ideology and enlist individuals to execute acts of terrorism independently. Each incidence influences the actions of specific groups to perpetrate more acts in different locations, motivated by the same feelings of hatred based on Islamophobia and xenophobia. These occurrences will continue to happen as long as the involved parties are influenced by religious sensitivity and racial feeling. If the countries experiencing this crisis do not handle it wisely through CVE awareness programmes, the situation would deteriorate. In Malaysia, it is imperative for the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (SKMM) and the Royal Malaysian Police (RMP) to collaborate closely in order to effectively monitor and prohibit the dissemination of any violent content within the country. This proactive approach is crucial in preventing any untoward situations from occurring. The dissemination of Daesh propaganda in Southeast Asia should not be underestimated, as the country’s potential terrorist threat level is currently moderate / Code Blue and the risk of terrorist acts is assessed as “possible”.

Quarterly Report: Terrorism Events And Developments In The Fourth Quarter of 2023

The fourth quarter of Terrorism Watch 2023 explores the most recent events and developments pertaining to terror-related incidents in Southeast Asia and significant incidents worldwide from October to December 2023.

Growing concern in European nations, specifically France and Belgium, as a result of the spillover effect from Israel’s attack on Palestine, which was orchestrated by terrorist organisations.

The apprehension of ARSA’s primary leader is thought to have considerably diminished the group’s terrorist operations in the Cox’s Bazar camp. However, it may also serve as a motivating factor for ARSA members to seek refuge in neighbouring countries, particularly Malaysia, thereby heightening the potential for national security risks.

The subsequent advancement of the terrorist menace in Southeast Asia demonstrates the proactive actions undertaken by governments with significant terrorist activity, such as Indonesia and the Philippines, which have effectively diminished the terrorism danger in those countries.

There is an observable rise in political and religious extremism, particularly following GE 15 with some organisations employ social media manipulation to further their own interests.

In conclusion, the fourth quarter of 2023 sees an increase in the global and regional threat that terrorism poses. The threat perception has shifted to incorporate the dissemination of narratives in cyberspace, particularly on social media.

Global Trend

There are significant events in a number of countries around the world during the fourth quarter of 2023. The threat of terrorism at the global and regional levels has shown a significant increase, in addition to the latest trends in European and African countries. There is an increasing menace of terrorism, both on a local and worldwide scale, particularly in the aftermath of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Terrorist organisations, particularly Daesh, persist in utilising social media and chat rooms as very efficient means for disseminating their ideology. Respective agencies such as Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) and Royal Malaysian Police (RMP) need to carry out periodic monitoring of social media content as well as video applications such as YouTube that are capable of threatening national security and can be blocked from being accessed by Malaysians if necessary.

The following are the highlights of  terrorism-related occurrences around the world:


On 16 Oct 23, Bangladesh’s elite security force Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) has arrested the head of the killer squad of the Rohingya militant outfit, Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA), believed to be directly involved in two high-profile murders in recent years. in 2021. ARSA leader, Samiuddin was arrested during a raid in the Kutupalong refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar. Samiuddin was wanted for the murder of Mohibullah, the chairman of the Arakan Rohingya Society for Peace and Human Rights, in 2021 and the killing of a Bangladesh Air Force (BAF) officer on 14 Nov 2022.

On 10 Dec 23, RapidAction Battalion(RAB) has conducted numerous raids in Ashulia, Savar, Manikganj, Gazipur dan Mymensingh and arrested six operatives of Ansar al-Islam. Arrestees were identified as Abdur Razzak @ Ishak @ Saiba, 41, Shariful Islam @ Murad, 31, Rahman @ Usaiman, 27, Muhammad Zakaria @ Abar, 24, Al Amin @ Robin @ Samura, 24, dan Abu Jar Maruf, 18.  RAB personnel recovered a large number of books on extremism from their possession.

Since January of this year, Bangladeshi officials have detained 72 members of the terrorist group ARSA as part of a vigorous crackdown. They suspect that ARSA was responsible for the killings of BAF personnel. Given the ARSA’s involvement in acts of terrorism and crime within the camp, it is thought that the security operation successfully dismantled the ARSA network, namely in Cox’s Bazar. The violent actions carried out by ARSA have been widely regarded as a significant catalyst for the displacement of Rohingya refugees in Cox’s Bazar. Consequently, surrounding nations have intensified their efforts to enhance border security measures in order to prevent the entry of Rohingya refugees into their respective territories. Simultaneously, a large-scale terrorist strike in Bangladesh was averted by the apprehension of individuals affiliated with the Ansar Al Islam Group. These individuals are believed to have completed military training and received bomb-making instruction in India, as well as training from Afghanistan. This group is said to be distributing several publications that promote extremism, the oppression of Muslims, as well as films and lectures, in an effort to gain adherents. The arrest of its members is likely to have a significant impact on the Ansar Al Islam group, as the bulk of those imprisoned hold key positions as finance officials, recruitment coordinators, and instructors for new recruits.


On 16 Oct 23, Belgian police have shot dead a man suspected of killing two Swedish nationals and injuring a third person in a gun attack condemned by the country’s leader as “terrorist madness”. The accused, a 45-year-old Tunisian national, died in hospital after being shot in the chest. The suspect’s death comes after a man who identified himself as a member of Daesh claimed responsibility for the attack in a video posted online. The threat alert in Brussels was raised to its top level of four, meaning a “threat is extremely serious”. It was previously at level two, indicating an average threat.

The occurrence of this terrorist assault, supported by the extremist organisation Daesh, is not unprecedented in Belgium. The most recent example was documented in November 2022, when a terrorist associated with the Daesh organisation lethally stabbed a Belgian police officer. This assault seems to specifically target individuals of Swedish nationality, maybe due to their perceived association with the burning of the Quran a few months before by an Iraqi refugee. The Israeli-Palestinian instability is regarded as a contributing element in this incident, since terrorist organisations utilise it as a pretext to carry out their activities. The aforementioned tendency demonstrates the importance of addressing the Israel-Palestine conflict in order to prevent the rise of Islamophobia as a prominent issue in Europe, which might potentially lead to acts of violence. Through the analysis of violent events in Europe, such as the killing of Samuel Paty in France on October 16th and the assault on the Notre-Dame de Nice church in France on October 29th, proponents of Daesh have clearly shown that there is a possibility for the persistence of the phenomenon and worldwide trend known as the village effect. Each incidence, fuelled by hostile feelings such as xenophobia and Islamophobia, prompts a group of people to initiate an assault. These occurrences will continue to occur as long as there are those who use religious sensitivity and racial prejudice for their own purposes.


On 3 Dec 23, at least eight people were killed and 26 others injured when terrorists opened fire on a passenger bus in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir’s Gilgit Baltistan region. The bus was travelling from Gilgit to Rawalpindi when terrorists opened indiscriminate fire at around 6.30 pm in Chilas. Two army soldiers, who were in the bus, were also among the dead and one personnel of the Special Protection Unit was injured in the attack.

On 12 Dec 23, at least 23 soldiers have been killed and dozens injured in Pakistan after militants attacked a police compound. The attack took place in the early hours when a vehicle containing explosives rammed into the building in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, near the Afghan border. A militant group affiliated to the Pakistani Taliban has claimed responsibility for the attack. The compound was being used as a base camp for the Pakistani army.

The frequency of terrorist strikes in Pakistan has increased in recent years. In August 2023, Pakistan had a higher number of terrorist attacks than in any month in the past nine years. Since the Taliban took control of Afghanistan, the ceasefire between Pakistan’s security forces and the terrorist group Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has ended. This has led to a rise in terrorist attacks targeting both civilians and security forces in the period leading up to the expected February 2024 elections in the country. This variable signifies that the TP is the predominant catalyst for the escalation of terrorist activities in Pakistan. A recently formed extremist group known as TJP, suspected to have joined forces with the TTP, poses an additional danger to Pakistan. Based on the evidence, TPJ has been implicated in several recent assaults aimed against prominent figures in the nation, resulting in the deaths of 12 Pakistani security personnel and the destruction of three aircraft. The operation is believed to have been orchestrated in a Taliban-controlled area of Afghanistan, taking into account the terrorist group’s tactics in the region next to the Afghanistan-Pakistan border. Islamabad is anticipated to exert pressure on Kabul to promptly address the issue of terrorists and prevent the ongoing use of Afghan land for launching assaults against Pakistan. In the absence of cooperation between Afghanistan and Pakistan, the issue of border security between them is seen unsolvable, allowing terrorist organisations to use this situation to strategically plan and execute acts of terrorism in the region. Hence, the government urges France SF to enhance security measures nationwide and heighten vigilance in all public spaces, especially educational institutions.


On 14 Oct 23, a teacher has been killed and two other people critically injured in a stabbing at a school in Arras, northern France. The suspected attacker, who has been arrested, was on a watchlist of people known to be a security risk in connection with radical Islamism. Local media reported that he was a former pupil at the Gambetta-Carnot school. Due to this incident, France has raised its threat alert to the highest level.

Following Israel’s assault on Hamas, the French Special Forces have apprehended 12 radicals in neighbouring vicinity including educational institutions and places of worship, as a direct consequence of the strike. Due to the increasing anti-Semitic sentiment and the presence of the largest Muslim population in Western Europe and the third-largest Jewish population globally (after Israel and the US), it is anticipated that France will continue to enforce strict security measures, including the prohibition of pro-Palestinian protests. Evidence and surveillance suggest that school assaults are exceedingly rare in France.


On 3 Dec 23, The Somali National Army (SNA) killed 60 al-Shabab militants and wounded several others in a joint operation near Halgan town in central Somalia. The operation targeted al-Shabab militants and their commanders who were re-grouping to attack areas in central Somalia. The Somali government forces backed by the African Union Mission in Somalia drove al-Shabab out of Mogadishu in 2011, but the terrorist group is still capable of conducting attacks, targeting government installations, hotels, restaurants and public places.

On 10 Dec 23, six people were killed in an attack by the known-terrorist organisation, Al-Shabaab in Galgadud. One of them was known as Abdullahi Shamley, an influential leader of the local Macawisley militant group.

The ongoing military assault by Somalia’s Special Forces against the Al-Shabab terrorist group has effectively weakened the organisation, compelling them to abandon their base. Furthermore, the local population’s cooperation with the government in suppressing terrorist attacks by groups such as Al-Shabaab is attributed to the resolute leadership of Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, who has declared a comprehensive war against the terrorist organisation. This has contributed to the government’s ability to successfully persuade the local population to support its endeavours. This alliance is expected to spearhead military operations against terrorist organisations and expedite the process of eradicating Al-Shabaab in the region. Nevertheless, certain regions have seen a deficiency in security oversight subsequent to the departure of the Somali Federal forces and the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) from those areas.Al-Shabaab is exploiting the opportunity to launch attacks on local militants and civilians, especially in districts that were formerly their strongholds, while also trying to regain control of their land. The absence of security forces in the region, along with the limited resources and capabilities of local militants, has led to a poor perception of Somalia’s SF pullout. Terrorist operations are expected to continue until the government offers military assistance to supervise and control the situation in the region in response to Al-Shabaab strikes.


On 1 Oct 23, At least one person was killed and two others were injured in a bombing attack outside Turkiye’s Ministry of Home Affairs building in Ankara. Two attackers murdered a civilian and stole his vehicle in the country’s capital ahead of the opening of parliament. Two police officers reportedly received non-life-threatening. The ministry confirmed at least one of the two attackers is a member of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, known as the PKK. The second attacker has yet to be identified.

On 11 Dec 23, Turkish security forces carried out air operations in northern Iraq, destroying 13 terror targets and neutralizing many senior terrorists. The operations were carried out in the Gara, Metina, Hakurk and Qandil regions to eliminate terrorist attacks against Türkiye and its security forces from northern Iraq by neutralizing members of the PKK terror group and other terrorist elements and to ensure border security in line with the self-defense rights.

It is commonly acknowledged that Turkiye, US and Europe define the PKK as a terrorist organisation comprised of Kurdish fanatics. The suicide assault took place shortly before the parliament resumed its activities after the summer recess, leading to allegations that the PKK had intentionally planned to target the parliament’s reopening and the ministry buildings. The Turkish government has undertaken many counterterrorism operations in recent years, aiming to eradicate the terrorist organisation both within its own borders and on a worldwide scale, including operations performed over the border into Syria. Turkiye has established many military outposts in Iraqi Kurdistan with the objective of neutralising the terrorist organisation. Furthermore, in order to ensure regional tranquilly and security, Turkey maintains strong connections with the Kurdish authorities in Iraq. Based on the data, the primary stronghold of the PKK terrorist organisation is located in Northern Iraq. From 2018 to June 2023, the Special Forces of Turkey carried out a minimum of 6,000 airstrikes predominantly targeting Kurdish regions in Syria and Iraq. Following the commencement of “Operation Claw-Lock” in April of the previous year, which aimed to combat the PKK terrorist organisation in the northern area of Iraq next to the Turkish border, the Turkish Special Forces have escalated their airstrikes on PKK terrorist units. This operation has effectively removed important terrorist targets by preemptive and well-coordinated measures, therefore also impairing the capabilities of the PKK group. To mitigate the risk of terrorism in Turkey, the Turkish Special Forces will continue to carry out Claw-Lock operations in the next months, in accordance with prevailing operational patterns.

Terrorism Trends in Southeast Asia


On 23 Oct 23, The Indonesian police’s counterterrorism squad, arrested nine people on suspicion of terrorism activities in three separate operations. Five suspects were arrested in South Sumatra, who had alleged ties with home-grown extremist group Jamaah Islamiyah (JI), which is linked to the Daesh terror group. A day later, DENSUS 88 officers arrested one suspect in West Kalimantan and three others in West Nusa Tenggara, who were affiliated with home-grown extremist group, Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD), also linked to the Daesh group. JAD is responsible for a string of attacks in the country, including a suicide bombing at a cathedral in Makassar City on Sulawesi Island in March last year, and several suicide bombings at churches in East Java in 2018, which killed a dozen people. The group was declared an illegal organisation in 2018.

On 28 Oct 23,  Indonesian police has arrested at least 27 suspected militants believed to have links to banned extremist groups, in a nationwide crackdown as the world’s most populous Muslim-majority country gears up for elections in 2024. DENSUS 88 conducted the arrests on Friday in Jakarta, West Java and Central Sulawesi provinces. Most of the arrested are suspected of being members of a homegrown militant outfit affiliated with the Islamic State group known as Jemmaah Anshorut Daulah or JAD.

The utilisation of various propaganda techniques suggests a rise in the threat of terrorism in Indonesia. It is unsurprising considering Israel’s ongoing aggression towards the Palestinian population and its present preparations for the forthcoming presidential election, slated for February 2024. It is expected that terrorist organisations would continue to use these two tragedies to gain support and inspire lone wolf strikes in Indonesia.

The Philippines

On 3 Dec 23, at least four people were killed by the explosion, including three women, and 50 others were brought to two hospitals for treatment of mostly minor injuries. Philippine forces were on high alert during a Catholic mass in a university gymnasium in the south of the country, an attack the authorities called Islamist terrorism. The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the attack. The group wrote on Telegram that its members detonated a bomb in the gathering.

On 8 Dec, the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) killed at least nine members of Dawlah Islamiyah (DI) in air and ground offensives carried out by the military. DI is the local and Arabic name for ISIS, the Middle Eastern terror group. DI had blamed the MILF for the military’s offensives against the Islamic State-aligned group which started after a confirmation that the group was recruiting people in Sitio Wata in Pagalungan.

The elimination of eleven suspected terrorists in a special forces operation that took place in December in the town of Datu Hoffer in the southern province of Maguindanao is believed to be connected to the bombing incident. The deceased individuals were members of the Maute terrorist organisation, a branch of the DI, which maintains connections with Daesh. The Philippine government continues to reap advantages from the Focused Military Operation (FMO) implemented by its own administration. The aggressive effort conducted to eliminate the DI network, which remains a security risk in Maguindanao, is considered a crucial measure to prevent the DI from retaliating against the Philippines forces, as they did in previous terrorist attacks. This incident is expected to greatly impact the DI organisation, since they are seeing a decline in supporters and local residents. However, it is expected that the Philippine security forces would implement stricter safety measures in order to prevent future bombings of innocent sites.


The national threat on terrorism is currently moderate. Since 2013, there have been 562 arrests in the nation of people affiliated with terrorist groups and militant networks, comprising 196 foreigners and 366 locals.

On 1 Nov, The Eastern Sabah Security Command (ESSCOM) will release their latest list of 13 individuals wanted by authorities for links to militant activities. A study is underway and both the police’s Special Branch and ESSCOM play a role in monitoring the movements of those on the list. Most of the individuals on the list were now outside the Eastern Sabah Safety Zone (ESS Zone).

On 4 Dec 23, a key Abu Sayyaf bomb maker, who was on the Eastern Sabah Security Command’s (ESSCOM) wanted list and linked to several kidnap cases in Sabah waters, was killed by Philippine security forces. The notorious Abu Sayyaf extremist, Mundi Sawadjaan, was also behind the 2020 twin suicide blasts on Jolo island in southwest Philippines. He was shot dead during a firefight in Basilan province.

On 28 Nov, the police arrested an individual who offered RM5 million for a death threat on the Prime Minister, YAB Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim. The offer was made by the 34-year-old via his personal account @jaiadani89 on the TikTok social page. the case was being investigated under Section 507 Penal Code and Section 233 Communication and Multimedia Act 1998. Two days later, he has been granted police bail as the investigation against him has been completed.

ESSCOM has apprehended five individuals in Sabah this year suspected of involvement in terrorist activities. The absence of kidnappings since January 2020 indicates a reduction in terrorist threats and cross-border crimes. The offensive operation aimed at dismantling the DI network is crucial to prevent retaliation against the Philippines SF. ESSCOM needs to enhance operations, enforcement, and intelligence gathering to prevent future bombings. They must also ensure no individuals on the list have successfully entered the nation and take an active stance against terrorist recruitment or threats. ESSCOM must enhance operations, enforcement, and information collection to maintain security in the ESS Zone, preventing potential compromises and adopting a proactive stance against terrorist organizations enlisting locals with terrorist ideologies or generating threats in the East Coast region.

Mundi Sawagjaan’s death has impacted ASG, leading to a significant number of members surrendering and embracing the Enhanced – Comprehensive Local Integration Program (E-CLIP). With the group’s declining strength and lack of threat in Sulu, it is expected to be eradicated within a defined timeframe. Mundi Sawagjaan is suspected of orchestrating two major attacks in Jolo, Sulu. Furthermore, it is worth noting that the suspect’s nephew is Hatib Hajan Sawdjaan, who holds the position of commander for Daesh in the Philippines and is a prominent leader located in Sulu. In addition to his uncle, Sawadjaan’s family has numerous relatives who are affiliated with the KAS, including his cousin Arsibar Sawadjaan, brother Madsmar Sawadjaan, and brother Mannul Sawadjaan, all of whom perished in a prior conflict with the Philippine forces.

The prevalence of extremist tendencies in politics and religion is notably growing, particularly in the aftermath of GE 15. A multitude of individuals were apprehended for endeavouring to jeopardize the security and steadfastness of the nation as a result of their ideological and political zealotry. This type of danger arises from substantial ideological disputes, a dearth of contextual understanding on the matter, and a proclivity to accept internet information without conducting thorough study. Politicians and social media influencers are widely acknowledged to exert significant impact on society, particularly in relation to sensitive topics such as race, religion, and royalty. Most elected officials and politicians deliberately disseminate inaccurate information about their adversaries to further their own interests. This might potentially foster radical cognitive processes, an ideology characterized by animosity, and the subsequent formation of individuals with extreme tendencies. Videos and other items that have the capacity to jeopardize national unity should be prohibited, and individuals who disseminate such material should face legal consequences to increase public consciousness. The current legal approach is essential due to the potential of religious and racial concerns to jeopardize the peace and security of the country if left unaddressed.


Terrorism incidents at the global and regional level still show a significant increase for the period of the Fourth Quarter of 2023 in line with the opening of the international borders. Globally, Terrorism continues to pose a significant threat in countries such as Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Somalia, and Turkey due to ongoing instability. Additionally, there is a growing concern in European nations, specifically France and Belgium, as a result of the spillover effect from Israel’s attack on Palestine, which was orchestrated by terrorist organisations. The ongoing developments in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are exacerbating the threat of terrorism in Europe. It is imperative to implement stringent measures to prevent Europe from succumbing to the repercussions of the global interconnectedness. Following any occurrence that incites a group of individuals to carry out an assault, organised expressions of xenophobia and Islamophobia, which are rooted in hatred, are frequently observed. Somalia, Nigeria, and Turkey are considered proactive and pre-emptive in addressing the threat of terrorism during the fourth quarter of this year. With the help of ATMIS, security forces have successfully regained control over a substantial part of the land that was previously under the control of Al-Shabaab in Somalia. Nevertheless, should ATMIS reduce its military personnel by 3,000 by the conclusion of this year, Somalia would inevitably face specific difficulties. There is an anticipation of an increase in terrorist attacks in Somalia due to the aggressive targeting by Al-Shabaab in places with inadequate protection. The apprehension of ARSA’s primary leader is thought to have considerably diminished the group’s terrorist operations in the Cox’s Bazar camp. However, it may also serve as a motivating factor for ARSA members to seek refuge in neighbouring countries, particularly Malaysia, thereby heightening the potential for national security risks.

The subsequent advancement of the terrorist menace in Southeast Asia demonstrates the proactive actions undertaken by governments with significant terrorist activity, such as Indonesia and the Philippines, which have effectively diminished the terrorism danger in those countries. In addition, neighbouring countries in the area are continuously adopting non-confrontational strategies by implementing programmes such as the Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (PCVE) programme, with the objective of averting the spread of violent extremism. An essential measure in averting untoward occurrences, particularly during Indonesia’s preparatory stage for the next Presidential Election, is the effective performance of Indonesian security forces in detecting and apprehending many alleged terrorist factions.Statistical data indicates an increase in terrorist incidents in Indonesia coinciding with the period of elections. Nevertheless, the ongoing situation in the southern Philippines illustrates that the Philippine government is utilising a combination of a stringent strategy, known as FMO, and a more lenient approach, referred to as E-CLIP, to counteract terrorist activities. Due to the use of these two strategies, several members of terrorist groups have managed to successfully disengage from their organisations and transition into a more promising existence. In order to thwart the efforts of terrorist organisations in the southern Philippines, it is expected that the Philippine Special Forces would increase its offensive operations using the Focused Military Operations strategy, as long as there are still some terrorists adhering to their ideology.

Individual updates must exhibit ESSCOM’s ongoing dedication to aiding in the detection of any indications related to terrorist groups’ operations in the Malaysian-Philippine regions, in accordance with the organization’s original objectives of protecting the security of ESSZONE community members. There is an observable rise in political and religious extremism, particularly following GE 15. Some organisations employ social media manipulation to further their own interests, therefore fostering extreme ideologies and a culture of animosity that ultimately leads to extremism. Under the existing legislation, both the individuals responsible for inciting and the dissemination of films are subject to arrest, while also being subjected to certain limitations. Immediate action must be taken to prohibit any content that has the potential to jeopardise national cohesion.

In a nutshell, there is an increasing menace of terrorism, both on a local and worldwide scale, particularly in the aftermath of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Terrorist organisations, particularly Daesh, persist in utilising social media and chat rooms as very efficient means for disseminating their ideology. Moreover, considering the increasing prevalence of solitary acts of violence perpetrated by adolescents in several countries, notably in Europe, the propagation of violent ideologies via online gaming platforms like Roblox remains a source of worry. In order to avoid the dissemination of unauthorised occurrences, it is imperative for MCMC and RMP to consistently monitor and curb the proliferation of any violent material within Malaysia. Video apps such as Facebook, Telegram, YouTube, and other chatroom platforms are more accessible for connecting with sympathisers. According to statistics, these platforms are responsible for 80 percent of the dissemination of terrorist ideology and propaganda.

In the Fourth Quarter, there has been a noticeable inclination towards utilising Bahasa Malaysia to disseminate ideals originating from Indonesia, while creating the perception that Malaysians endorse them. The problem is seen as the tactic employed by Daesh sympathisers to captivate the attention of Malaysians, who are believed to be growing more cognizant of the present situation of terrorism. The degree of possible terrorism threat in Southeast Asia is now assessed as moderate, or Code Blue, with a probable chance of terrorist strikes. Therefore, it is crucial to avoid disregarding the dissemination of Daesh propaganda in the region.

Quarterly Report: Terrorism Events And Developments In The Third Quarter of 2023

The third quarter of Terrorism Watch 2023 explores the most recent events and developments pertaining to terror-related incidents in Southeast Asia and significant incidents worldwide from July to September 2023. Somalia has now successfully regained control of more than 215 locations previously controlled by the Al-Shabaab group with the help of ATMIS, but it is expected to be a bit challenging when ATMIS will extract a number of military personnel by the end of this year which will result in Al-Shabaab having the opportunity to control the area again.

In Southeast Asia, The death of Abu al-Hussein al-Husseini al-Qurashi and the announcement of Abu Hafs al-Hashimi al-Qurashi as the new leader of Daesh have increased the support for Daesh, especially in Southeast Asia countries. There are still efforts to reactivate terrorist groups as well as the spread of Daesh ideology in Indonesia by JAD followers who are obsessed and fanatical with their jihad struggle.

Classifying a group and individual as terrorists is significant because it will facilitate the government to monitor the process and action against any terrorist activity in Malaysia.

In conclusion, the third quarter of 2023 sees an increase in the global and regional threat that terrorism poses. The threat perception has shifted to incorporate the dissemination of narratives in cyberspace, particularly on social media. Countries, particularly in this region, must take drastic measures to mitigate the issue.

Global Trend

There are significant events in a number of countries around the world during the third quarter of 2023. The threat of terrorism at the global and regional levels has shown a significant increase, in addition to the latest trends in European countries. The detection of trends in the use of online gaming platforms as in the previous report shows that the online platform and social media applications are still one of Daesh’s modus operandi for spreading propaganda that focuses on teenagers. Respective agencies such as Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) and Royal Malaysian Police (RMP) need to carry out periodic monitoring of social media content as well as video applications such as YouTube that are capable of threatening national security and can be blocked from being accessed by Malaysians if necessary.

The following are the highlights of  terrorism-related occurrences around the world:


On Aug 22, 23, a bomb explosion in Kabul, Afghanistan has left four people dead and many injured. The incident occurred near the Afghan Taliban Ministry building when a rickshaw equipped with an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) exploded. The Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP) terrorist group has claimed to be responsible for the incident.

ISKP continues to be the main threat to the Taliban in restoring peace to Afghanistan. The attack was carried out to show ISKP is still relevant in Afghanistan and welcoming the new leader of Daesh. The trend of ISKP attacks in Afghanistan is more directed towards Taliban groups, Shiite minority groups and foreigners. ISKP attacks have also had a negative impact on Afghanistan’s socio-economics. The threat of terrorism in Afghanistan is seen to continue for a long time if no drastic efforts are taken by the current government to fight ISKP.


On 8 Jul 23, India’s ‘most wanted’ Al Qaeda terrorist, Ikramul Haq @ Abu Talha, was arrested in Sabuj Bagh Dhaka, Bangladesh with his wife Faria Afrin by the Counter Terrorism and Transnational Crime Unit (CTTC). Faria Afrin is also an important member of the group possess fake Indian citizenship.

On 22 Jul 23, the Bangladesh Elite Forces arrested Hafez Nur Mohammad, the main leader of the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) at Cox’s Bazar refugee camp, southeast of Bangladesh. ARSA is a militant group responsible for many criminal activities, kidnappings and murders.

Bangladesh has become a hub for members of terrorist groups from India, Nepal and Pakistan whose trying to escape from the custody of the authorities. The arrest of Abu Talha, the highest leader of AQIS, is also the result of interrogations conducted on several AQIS members who were arrested in May 2023 in Gujarat, India. Therefore, the arrest of Abu Talha is seen to slowing down the activities of AQIS in South Asia as well as assisting India and Bangladesh to arrest more key figures related to terrorist groups such as Ansar Al-Islam in Bangladesh. The success of Bangladesh security forces in arresting senior leaders of ARSA is considered as one of the efforts to reduce ARSA’s extortion and criminal activities in the Cox’s Bazar camp. The actions of Bangladesh security forces to crack down on the ARSA network, especially in Cox’s Bazar, are seen as significant in dealing with the terrorist and criminal activities of ARSA active in the camp. However, this security operation is capable of being a push factor for members of ARSA to escape to neighboring countries such as Malaysia in order to seek protection, as well as increasing the risk of threats to national security.


On 16 Aug 23, 78 Boko Haram terrorists and family members surrendered to the Multi National Joint Task Force (MNJTF), Sector 3 of Operation Hadin Kai in the Monguno local government area of Borno State. This is due to the pressure from the operation of the Nigerian security force and the attack from the Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) group.

On 26 Aug 23, 41 terrorists from Boko Haram and the Islamic State of West African Province (ISWAP) were killed during conflict in Northeast Borno. ISWAP terrorists who came with several boats attacked the Boko Haram terrorist group led by Bakoura Buduma in the Kukawa Local Government area located about 130 KM from Maiduguri. There were several leaders killed in the attack including Modu Kayi, Abbah Musa, Isa Muhammed, Ibrahim Ali, Kanai Zakariya, Bula Salam, Isuhu Alhaji Umaru, Dogo Salman dan Abdulrahman Malam Musa.

The success of the Nigerian Armed Forces in several operations combating terrorist has had a positive impact on the current situation of terrorism in Nigeria. The ongoing operation to disable the activities of the Boko Haram group by the Nigerian forces as well as the fierce battle with ISWAP terrorists has been regard as a push factor for some Boko Haram members and their families to surrender in order to get protection. Although Boko Haram in Buduma succeeded in capturing nearly 60 ISWAP terrorists and captured three main leaders, ISWAP still have an advantage at this point following the defection of Abou Idris, the former head of Boko Haram who joined ISWAP group to fight Boko Haram. The conflict between Boko Haram and ISWAP has become increasingly critical especially in the Sambisa forest in Borno and the Lake Chad region to remain relevant in leading the African region.


On 30 Jul 23, at least 55 people died and 135 wounded after a suicide bomber attacked a political rally organized by the Islamist party in Khar, Bajaur district, near the Afghan border. The erupting attack targeted members of the Jamiat Ulama e Islam Fazl (JUI F) party, which gathered around 500 people during the rally. Maulana Ziaullah, the local leader of the Rehman Party, was among the dead while Senator Abdur Rasheed and former Parliamentary Member, Maulana Jamaludin managed to escape. No terrorist group claimed to be responsible for the attack.

On 11 Sep 23, Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan (TTP) attacked a military convoy in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan and seized the military headquarters in Chitral. The action also follows a series of attacks on security forces in Chitral a few weeks ago. During the incident, four soldiers died and seven TTP members were also killed. TTP has claimed responsible for the attack aimed at security forces as the main target.

The JUI-F political party led by Maulana Fazlur Rehman is considered as pro-Taliban and his political party is part of the coalition government in Islamabad. This attack was carried out by ISKP who targeted JUI-F party leaders. While the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa incident shows that TTP attacks were concentrated in the Pakistan-Afghanistan border region based on the trend in several hotspot locations such as North Waziran, Balochistan and several other locations. Pakistan has remarked a significant increase in terrorist activities especially in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan, after the TTP ended a ceasefire with the government in November last year. Terrorist groups in Pakistan are expected to carry out a series of terrorist attacks in near future to put pressure on the interim government before the General Elections.


On 24 Jul 23, 30 members from Somali Armed Forces died and 73 others were injured resulted from an explosion at a military training camp in Somalia. The suicide bombing incident took place at Jalle Siyaad Army Training Camp while recruits were lining up for administrative activities. The soldiers killed in the attack were mostly from Lower Shabelle province.

On 5 Sep 23, Somali security forces has killed 43 Al-Shabaab terrorists and wounded several others during an operation in Galgaduud province, Somalia. Somali Armed Forces also destroyed three Al-Shabaab combat vehicles and foiled another attack by the Al Shabaab terrorist group in the Shabelle province.

The suicide attack at the Jalle Siyaad Military Training Camp was carried out by Al-Shabaab followers as a revenge for the offensive operation carried out by the Somalian Armed Forces (SAF) recently. In recent weeks, the military campaign against the Al-Shabaab group has been temporarily halted to allow SAF to prepare for the second attack. This also gives space to these terrorist groups in organizing strategies to carry out counterattacks. In addition, security operations continue to be implemented as the Somali government steps up its efforts to mobilize the public against Al-Shabaab. This move aimed at galvanizing public support for the ongoing offensive operation. During the first phase, SAF managed to regain control of more than 215 locations that were previously under the control of the Al-Shabaab group with the help of the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS). However, the second phase is expected to be challenging when ATMIS will extract a group of 3000 military personnel by the end of this year while the help of local tribes in eliminating Al-Shabaab is seen as less serious.


On 5 Aug 23, Daesh has announced the death of its leader, Abu al Hussein al Husseini al Qurashi, who was killed in north western Syria. Abu al Hussein was killed after an attack with the jihadist group, Hayat Tahrir al Sham (HTS) in Idlib and Daesh has also announced Abu Hafs al Hashimi al Qurashi as the fifth leader of Daesh.

On 12 Aug 23, Daesh has ambushed a bus carrying the Syrian army and killed at least 20 members and wounded 10 others. The attack, carried out by the Daesh’s sleeper cell, near the eastern city of Mayadeen, in Deir Az Zor.

After the death of Abu al-Hussein al-Husseini al-Qurashi last April, Daesh has taken almost four months to find a new leader for the group. The announcement of Abu Hafs al-Hashimi al-Qurashi as the new and fifth leader of Daesh will provide a positive indication, especially in Southeast Asian countries’ supporters. Support for the highest leadership is usually expressed through bai’ah videos and ideology. Recently, operations by among Southeast Asian countries have reduced the momentum of terrorist activities and the spread of the group’s ideology. While in Syria, attacks by Daesh sleeper cells have given a message showing Daesh is still relevant and powerful. Daesh ideology is expected to be spread, especially among the youth in refugee camps that are nest for this ideology, and Daesh will continue to adapt all technologies to attract and increase their followers.

Terrorism Trends in Southeast Asia


On 16 Jul 23, Densus 88 arrested suspected terrorists in Lombok identified as HSN @ UL and OS @ O. Densus 88 arrested HSN @ UL in Kampung Baru, Mukim Selong, East Lombok District while OS @ O at Lembar Port jetty, West Lombok. HSN allegedly played a role in recruiting members of Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD) Bima. Meanwhile, OS @ O is a member of East Lombok JAD who is actively spreading tutorial videos on making bombs and firearms as well as planning to move to Syria.

On 5 Aug 23, five members of JAD in Sukoharjo and Boyolaili, Central Java Indonesia have been charged on planning to attack the Solo Police Station. These five suspects were also linked to the previous suicide bombing incident at the Astana Anyar Police Headquarters, Bandung. All of them were arrested while trying to collect donation boxes marked with ‘Friends of the Sky and Donation Boxes of Friends of the People’ to finance the terrorist acts in Solo.

On 14 Aug 23, suspected terrorist Dananjaya Erbening, an employee of the Indonesian Railways (KAI) was arrested for planning an attack on the Mobil Brigade Corps Command Headquarters (Mako Brimob) Kelapa Dua, Depok, West Java. The main purpose was to free the prisoners of terrorism and seize the weapons depot. The Indonesian security forces has found dozens of evidence such as 18 long-barreled, short-barreled and water guns modified into firearms as well as thousands of bullets including several guns and radical reading materials during the search.

The success of these operations has shown that Indonesian government is aggressive in countering terrorist activities. However, there are still efforts to reactivate terrorist groups as well as the spread of Daesh ideology in Indonesia carried out by JAD followers who are obsessed and fanatical with their jihad struggle. Dananjaya Erbening has seen actively supporting Daesh through social media accounts and as an administrator of several Telegram channels, documentaries and news archives. Based on the amount of weapons and ammunition seized, it shows that the suspect is ready to organize a strategy to carry out attack by a large group of terrorist. There is no doubt that the items found indicate the possibility of a terrorist attack plan during the 2024 Indonesian General Election. Although sanctions and the enforcement of anti-terror laws have almost paralyzed the terrorist groups in Indonesia, the spread of Daesh’s narrative is still prevalent which may result in terror attacks to continue.

The Philippines

On 2 July 23, the Islamic State East Asia Province (ISEAP) group announced their new leader to replace Abu Zacharia. Al-Fursan Media announced that ISEAP has chosen Abu Turaife as the successor asserted that he will lead Daesh in the Southeast Asian region and threatened to take revenge on security forces for killing their leader. Abu Zacharia @ Faharudin Hadji Benito Satar was killed on June 14, 23 by Philippine security forces in Barangay Bangon, Lanao del Sur.

On 15 Aug 23, 10 members of the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) suspected of attacking two military trucks and a vehicle in an ambush in Ungkaya Pukan, Basilan. The attack led to the death of one Philippine security force and eight wounded on their way to scout a location for a mission. It was reported that the Philippine security force also retaliated and forced the terrorist group to retreat.

The death of Abu Zacharia has caused Daesh groups under ISEAP to start reshaping its direction and target. Failure to appoint a new leader to replace Abu Zacharia will lead the remaining groups to split and weaken the structure and ideology of their group. Abu Turaife’s appointment was made based on his abilities and capabilities in religion as well as radical movements which is the central nerve of Daesh ideology.

The current situation in the Southern Philippines has had an impact on the survival of terrorist groups. The pre-emptive operation carried out by the Philippines Armed Forces (PAF) has put pressure on the remaining terrorist groups. Although various efforts have been implemented by the government, they have not yet been able to change the perception and ideology of the remaining terrorists who still adhere to the principles of their struggle. Security operations through the Focused Military Operation (FMO) are expected to be intensified to prevent terrorist groups from organizing strategies for any terrorist activity in the Southern Philippines.


The status of terrorism threat at the national level is under control. Total number individuals involved with Daesh terrorist and militant networks arrested since 2013 until now is 562 individuals including 196 foreigners and 366 local citizens.

On 20 Jul 23, five members of the Royal Sulu Force (RSF) were spotted in a Pondohan, Semporna Sabah. The group is reported to establish connection with RSF sympathizers to provide financial assistance in addition to reviewing the level of security around Pondohan.

This development shows that RSF is always looking for opportunities in carrying out any attack that may threaten national security. This group has been declared as terrorist group by the Malaysian government since April 2022 and in the latest development, the Malaysian Government also classified Fuad or his full name Muhammad Fuad Abdullah Kiram as a terrorist for having “participated in and facilitated the commission of terrorist acts”. Classifying a group and individual as terrorists is significant because it will facilitate the government to monitor the process and action against any terrorist activity in Malaysia. Security agencies especially the Eastern Sabah Security Command (ESSCOM) need to be alert in detecting any indicators related to the suspicious activities of this terrorist group along Malaysia-Philippines waters.


Terrorism incidents at the global and regional level still show a significant increase for the period of the Third Quarter of 2023 in line with the opening of the international borders. At the global level, countries such as Afghanistan, Cameroon, Iraq, Libya, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Serbia, Somalia, Syria and Turkey continue to receive threats of terrorism due to on-going conflicts while there are new countries that have similar indicators such as New Zealand. Somalia has now successfully regained control of more than 215 locations previously controlled by the Al-Shabaab group with the help of ATMIS, but it is expected to be a bit challenging when ATMIS will extract a number of military personnel by the end of this year which will result in Al-Shabaab having the opportunity to control the area again. The arrest of ARSA’s senior leader is seen as significant in reducing ARSA’s terrorist activities in the Cox’s Bazar camp, but could be a push factor for ARSA group members to escape to neighboring countries, especially Malaysia, at the same time increasing the risk of national security threats. Meanwhile, The death of Abu al-Hussein al-Husseini al-Qurashi and the announcement of Abu Hafs al-Hashimi al-Qurashi as the new leader of Daesh has increased the support for Daesh, especially in Southeast Asian countries.

On the other hand, the development of the threat of terrorism in the Southeast Asian region, countries such as Indonesia and the Philippines continue to implement pre-emptive actions and successfully curb the threat of terrorism in the country in the third quarter of the year while other countries in the Southeast Asian region continue to be proactive in ensuring that the threat of terrorism does not occur through bilateral and multilateral cooperation. Several arrests related to members of the JAD group show that there are efforts to reactivate terrorist activities as well as the spread of Daesh terrorist ideology in Indonesia. The massive arrests of individuals and weapons have indicated the possibility of a terrorist attack when Indonesia’s 2024 General Elections could take place. The death of Abu Zacharia and the failure to appoint a new leader to replace him can weaken the structure and ideology of the terrorist group’s especially ASG in the Southern Philippines. The appointment of Abu Turaife is vital in re-strengthening the group and this appointment was made based on his abilities and capabilities in religion as well as radical movements. While the current situation in the South of the Philippines shows that the Enhanced – Comprehensive Local Integration Program (E-CLIP) and FMO have had an impact on the survival of terrorist groups but there are still remnants of terrorists who still stick to their principles of struggle.

In general, the global and regional threat posed by terrorism is beginning to intensify. The threat of terrorism in Southeast Asia spans the global, national, and regional arenas. This growing threat cannot be eradicated by any single state as it is a transnational threat that requires a multilateral response. The potential return of foreign fighters and their families from detention facilities in Syria and Iraq remains an issue of great concern in Southeast Asia. The reality is that Southeast Asia has been through this before; the last time foreign fighters came home, they returned with connections to international networks, foreign funding sources, and refined tactics. The threat perception has shifted to include the spreading of propaganda in cyberspace, such as on social media. The issue of terrorism on a global and regional scale has no effect on national security at this time. As such, national security and the threat of terrorism should not be treated lightly. The potential threat of terrorism in the nation remains at a moderate level and a terrorist attack remains possible.

Quarterly Report: Terrorism Events And Developments In The Second Quarter of 2023

The second quarter of Terrorism Watch 2023 explores the most recent events and developments pertaining to terror-related incidents in Southeast Asia and significant incidents worldwide from April to June 2023. The announcement of the demise of a Daesh leader is deemed significant for the Daesh network in Syria and abroad. At the same time, the deaths of their key leaders would be able to suspend any terrorist activity in Syria, the Middle East and Europe after an aggressive attack conducted by the US and SDF. Meanwhile, the turmoil in Afghanistan allows terrorist groups to use it as a hub for training and a safe haven location as countries such as China and Pakistan intensify operations against terrorist groups. In addition, the success of the Somalian Armed Forces, together with other countries under the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS), has had a positive impact on countering terrorism.

In Southeast Asia, sanctions and enforcement of anti-terror laws have nearly crippled terrorist groups in Indonesia. However, the spread of terrorist narratives and ideologies in the cyber space are still prevalent in Indonesia, indicating that there is an effort to revive JI in Indonesia. Meanwhile, The Philippine security forces continue its effort to combat terrorism in the Southern Philippines which led to several new arrests. The effectiveness of PCVE program has shown successful in counter terrorism effort.

Malaysian government has developed a dedicated website to provide information on the Sulu case which also published in five languages ​​including Tagalog, French and Spanish with the aim of providing accurate information to the public and the international community.

In conclusion, the second quarter of 2023 sees an increase in the global and regional threat that terrorism poses. The threat perception has shifted to incorporate the dissemination of narratives in cyberspace, particularly on social media. Countries, particularly in this region, must take drastic measures to mitigate the issue.

Global Trend

There have already been significant events in a number of countries around the world during the second quarter of 2023. The threat of terrorism at the global and regional levels has shown a significant increase since the opening of borders, in addition to the latest trends in European countries. The detection of trends in the use of online gaming platforms as in the previous report shows that the online platform and social media applications are still one of Daesh’s modus operandi for spreading propaganda that focuses on teenagers. Respective agencies such as Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) and Royal Malaysian Police (RMP) need to carry out periodic monitoring of social media content as well as video applications such as YouTube that are capable of threatening national security and can be blocked from being accessed by Malaysians if necessary.

The following are the highlights of  terrorism-related occurrences around the world:


On 1 May 23, President Turkiye issued a statement saying that his intelligence agency succeeded in killing the leader of Daesh, known as Abu Hussein al-Qurashi, in a raid on 30 Apr 23 in Maska, North of Jindires. The Daesh leader reportedly blew himself up and he was also the fourth Caliph of Daesh, who joined the group in 2013.

The demise of the Daesh leader is deemed significant for the group’s network in Syria and abroad. However, the Turkish government has not provided further confirmation regarding the death of the leader involved. Turkiye had previously made an announcement regarding the arrest of Daesh leader, Abu Hasan al-Hashimi al-Qurashi, but the United States (US) denied the claim when it succeeded in killing the leader in a separate incident. Even so, news of the death is believed to affect Daesh’s operations at this point. The killing of the Daesh leader is also seen to force Daesh to continue its agenda in a decentralized manner without direction from a recognized “Caliph”.


On 4 Apr 23, the US military issued a statement that it had killed a senior leader of Daesh in Syria. The US Central Command (CENTCOM), identified the man as Khalid Aydd Ahmad al-Jabouri who was responsible for planning Daesh attacks in Europe and has been developing a leadership structure for the militant group in Turkey. Jabouri had been under close surveillance for several months as he moved between the Syrian cities of Hasakah, Raqqa, Jarablus and al-Bab before settling in Idlib province where he was killed.

The US and the SDF have been carrying out a series of aggressive actions against Daesh in recent weeks which led to the death of Daesh’s key leaders. They were Khalid Aydd Ahmad al-Jabouri and Abd-al-Hadi Mahmud al-Haji Ali, who were responsible for planning Daesh attacks in Europe and Hamza al-Homsi. The death of Daesh’s senior leaders would be able to suspend any terrorist operation in Syria, the Middle East and Europe. The death of its leader is seen as significant because Daesh is still actively spreading propaganda on their planning to launch attacks in the Middle East and Europe. The US military’s efforts give an indicator that the US is still active in countering terrorism even though its presence in the Middle East and South Asia has decreased.


On 7 May 23, the Foreign Ministries of Pakistan, China and Afghanistan have agreed to participate in the Fifth China-Pakistan-Afghanistan Trilateral Foreign Ministers’ Dialogue in Islamabad aiming at combating terrorism and increasing cooperation in political engagement, trade and investment. Separately, Afghanistan and Pakistan also held in-depth discussions on key issues of mutual interest such as security and border control.

The China-Pakistan-Afghanistan Trilateral Foreign Minister’s Dialogue is seen as an effort taken by the three countries in dealing with the threat of terrorism in their respective countries. The turmoil in Afghanistan allows terrorist groups to use it as a hub for training and a safe haven location as countries such as China and Pakistan intensify operations against terrorist groups. The cooperation is also seen to help the Taliban to improve its image which has always been associated with terrorist groups in Afghanistan. While for China, this initiative is to prevent the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM) group from obtaining funds and training in Afghanistan. For Pakistan, this understanding is very important to deal with the threat of Tehreek-e-Taliban (TTP) which is increasingly active in Pakistan.


On 3 June 23, the Nigerian security forces attacked in Sector 1, Operation Hadin Kai succeeded in arresting 73 ISWAP terrorists including their family members in Borno. All of them surrended in the villages of Bula Bello, Zaramari, Garno, Ngauri, Siraja, Nbellana, Bula Ashe, Guraba and Nemaila.

The Nigerian security force attacked Boko Haram via Operation HADIN KAI in the North East zone between 4 to 18 May 2023. It includes land and air operations which was favouring the Nigerian security force. The success is also supported by the fact that the Boko Haram group is getting weaker due to its defeat with ISWAP in Borno. This series of attacks succeeded in restraining Boko Haram from carrying out counter-attacks while also showing many of its members surrendering. Meanwhile, the Desert-Lake-Mountain II operation that was implemented on 27 Apr 23, in the Sambisa-Timbuktu Triangle axis and the shores of Lake Chad conducted by the Nigerian security force succeeded in weakening the ISWAP terrorist group and the Hadin Kai Operation continued to be implemented to not give space to this terrorist group organize an attack. This success shows the determination of the Nigerian government to eliminate terrorist activities in restoring the people’s trust in the government. The consistency of the operation is able to curb any terrorist activities carried out by these two terrorist groups.

On 19 May 23, 511 members of the Boko Haram group and their families surrendered, consisting of 99 men, 161 women and 251 children following an attack by the Nigerian security force in North East Nigeria. The forces also rescued a Chibok schoolgirl who was kidnapped by the Boko Haram group.

Terrorism Trends in Southeast Asia


On 4 Apr 23, DENSUS 88 revealed the arrest of four Uzbek citizens suspected of being members of Katibah Tawhid wal Jihad (KTJ). They are Bakhromjon Azizov @ BA, Olimjon Makhmudovomm @ OMM, BKA and Murodjon Rakhimov @ MR involved in terror-related activities including spreading propaganda on social media and being part of a terrorist organization that remain active in the Middle East, especially Syria. They traveled to Indonesia on 29 Jan 23 via Istanbul – Abu Dhabi and entered Malaysia on 30 Jan 23. They later entered Indonesia on 6 and 27 Feb 23 separately. On 11 Apr 23, three of them tried to escape from the prison but two of them were arrested again while Bakhromjon Azizov, was found drowned in the river.

KTJ (formerly known as Jannat Oshiklari) is a terrorist organization that operates under the international terrorist organization Jabhat Al-Nusrah (now known as Hayat Tahrir Al Sham – HTS), the branch of Al-Qaeda in Syria. The group is under close monitoring by the US authorities because it has been listed in the Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT) category. Sharing of intelligence information has led to their arrest by DENSUS 88. The travel records of these KTJ members shown that Malaysia has been used as a transit but their presence did not show any threat. Their presence in Indonesia is believed to be related to expanding international networks as well as terrorist financing because on 14 Feb 23, South Korean security forces has arrested two KTJ members related to terrorism-financing.

On 15 Apr 23, two men were believed to be linked with Al-Qaeda network were killed and four others were arrested in a raid by DENSUS 88. All of them were arrested in an operation launched in two locations in Sumatra, Indonesia. The dead suspects, identified as NG and ZK, were killed after exchanging fires and injuring a police officer. NG has been on the wanted list of Indonesian police since 2016 for allegedly hiding suspects including Zulkarnaen, a senior JI leader who was arrested in 2020 after nearly 18 years of successfully evading from being arrested.

Sanctions and enforcement of anti-terror laws have almost paralyzed terrorist groups in Indonesia. However, the spread of terrorist narratives and ideologies are still prevalent in Indonesia, giving an indication that there are efforts to revive JI in Indonesia. These actions managed to bring Indonesia in the path of success because there was no major incident occured in Indonesia since January 2023.

The Philippines

The terrorism-related issues involving Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) and Dawlah Islamiyah (DI) are as follows:

On 6 May 23, an explosives expert of ASG was arrested in an operation in Sulu. The suspect, Ras Abdulla also known as Elhan Bahjin Abuhassan, aged 48, was detained in Kampung Bus-Bus, Jolo, Sulu and was a follower of Marzan Ajijul and Jomar Mohammad who is based in Zamboanga. These men are still at large and are being hunted by the authorities.

On 7 June 23, two ASG terrorists were killed in Sumisip, Basilan. The slain terrorist identified as “Dodong” was a follower of Mudzrimar Sawadjaan, a KAS leader based in Sulu while another with the nickname “Boy” was a follower of a ASG leader based in Basilan.

On 28 May 23, Philippines security forces arrested a leader and three followers of Dawlah Islamiyah (DI) and also confiscated firearms and explosives in Kampung Pabrika, Marugong, Lanao del Sur. All members of the DI group were teenagers between the ages of 14 and 18. A teenager named Abu Rasas, 18 years old, is one of the main DI leaders under the leadership of Fajarudin Pumbaya Pangalian

The arrest of a terrorist-suspect by the Philippine security forces has showcased the Philippine Government’s determination to curb terror-related activities in the South of the Philippines. In addition, the arrest has reduced the morale of other members of the ASG and DI terrorist groups because most of the senior leaders have been killed or arrested by the Philippine forces. The arrest of young DI leader also revealed that the group now relies on teenage members for their operations. Since 2020, the Southern of Philippine has shown drastic improvement from the security perspectives. This is clearly because of Philippines’ holistic approach to combat terrorism and to provide livelihood to its people in the south. In addition, the demise of Abu Zacharia on 14 June 23 has led Daesh under ISEAP to reshape the group’s direction and targets in the future. Therefore, the appointment of Abu Turaife as a new leader of DI has shown that they still require a charismatic leader who possesses great knowledge in Islam as well as radical movement.


On 11 Apr 23, Malaysia declared one of the ‘heirs’ of the Sultanate of Sulu has been classified as a terrorist effective 6 Apr 23, under Section 66 of the Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorist Financing and Proceeds of Illegal Activities Act 2001. The decision was made by the Ministry of Home Affairs against Fuad A. Kiram regarding his role in the Lahad Datu incident in Sabah 10 years ago. Fuad is also one of the eight individuals who claimed to be heirs to the Sultanate of Sulu, who was involved in an international legal dispute with Putrajaya over their claim for US$14.92 billion from Malaysia.

This shows that Malaysia has begun to take decisive actions on the demands of the heirs of the Sultanate of Sulu in order to safeguard its sovereignty. According to the Federal Gazette regarding the classification of Fuad as a terrorist, Muhammad Fuad Abdullah Kiram, has “participated and facilitated the commission of terrorist acts”. Meanwhile, the government has also prepared a special website dedicated to provide information on the Sulu case published in five languages ​​including Tagalog, French and Spanish with the aim of providing accurate information to the public and the international community. The act of classifying the individual involved as a terrorist is important because it will facilitate the actions of the security forces if the individual and his group carry out any activity in Malaysia. The classification is also to prevent Muhammad Fuad from taking unexpected actions.

On 11 May 23, the Deputy Prime Minister informed that Malaysia recorded the best achievement in dealing with terrorism when it was ranked 75th through the Global Terrorism Index (GTI) last year, compared to 68th in 2021. Meanwhile, Afghanistan is at the top rank in the GTI list. The trend of terror-related activities in Malaysia has decreased with only two cases of arrest last year compared to seven in 2021 due to several preventive and enforcement actions by the Royal Malaysian Police (RMP) and the Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) as well as several measures taken by the National Security Council (NSC).

Malaysia should not be too complacent with the latest achievement because the benchmark for the index is only incidents and arrests of suspects compared to the current trends of terrorism The latest trend still highlights jihadists activities on social media to attract sympathy for the sufferings of Muslims who are oppressed especially in Syria and the ideology of establishing a Caliphate. In addition, the re-opening of national borders after travel restrictions during the spread of COVID-19 is also seen to change the position of the countries on the list. Thus, to maintain or improve this position, political stability and law enforcement are the significant elements. In addition, those elements need to be assisted with preventive measures through the Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (PCVE) strategies to deal with the threat of terrorism in the country.


Terrorism incidents at the global and regional level still show a significant increase for the period of the Second Quarter of 2023 in line with the opening of the international borders. At the global level, countries such as Afghanistan, Cameroon, Iraq, Libya, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Serbia, Somalia, Syria and Turkey continue to receive threats of terrorism due to on-going conflicts while there are new countries that have similar indicators such as Italy and Canada. However, there are countries that proactive in combating terrorism and they are the likes of Nigeria and Somalia. Somalia together with the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) carried out a series of raids on Al-Shabaab’s strongholds to achieve the goal of eliminating the threat while the Nigerian government has succeeded in countering up to 80% of the Boko Haram and ISWAP terrorist groups. Despite increased efforts to combat terrorism, terrorists on the African continent still play the narrative of establishing an Islamic state to their advantage. The China-Pakistan-Afghanistan Trilateral Foreign Minister’s Dialogue held in Islamabad is seen as an effort taken by the three countries in dealing with the threat of terrorism in their respective countries. The turmoil in Afghanistan allows terrorist groups such as ETIM and TeT to make it as a hub for training and a safe haven. Countries such as China and Pakistan have intensified operations against terrorist groups. While the statement of the President of Turkey regarding the success of killing the leader of Daesh, Abu al-Hussein al-Husseini al-Qurashi continues to be a question mark. This would allow Daesh to continue their agenda in a decentralized manner as a “Khalifah” needs to declared soon.

On the other hand, the development of the threat of terrorism in the Southeast Asian region shows most countries continue to implement proactive measures to prevent the threat of terrorism. A series of recent arrests also indicate that security threats in Indonesia are beginning to increase and for that, security controls in few hot spots need to be improved. The hybrid action of the Philippines which is the combination of kinetic approach (hard approach) and PCVE (soft approach) continues to have a positive impact at this time until it succeeds in putting great pressure on terrorists such as ASG especially in Sulu until these terrorists have to seek refuge in Basilan. KTJ, a terrorist organization operating under Jabhat Al-Nusrah, is believed to be linked in expanding international networks and funding terrorism in Indonesia because South Korean security forces also has arrested two members of KTJ in connection with terrorist financing activities.

The Malaysian government began to take decisive action on the claim of the heirs of the Sultanate of Sulu by classifying Muhammad Fuad Abdullah Kiram as a terrorist entity in addition to providing a special website dedicated to posting information on the Sulu case with the aim of providing accurate information to the public and the international communities. The act of classifying the individual involved as a terrorist is important because it will facilitate the actions of the security forces if the individual and his group carry out any activities in Malaysia. While Malaysia’s latest achievement in ranking 75th in the GTI still does not show the real situation because the latest trend of jihadists is trying to attract sympathy for the suffering of oppressed Muslims and the ideology of establishing a Caliphate through the spread of narratives on social media. Those elements need to be supported with preventive measures through the PCVE strategy in combating terrorism in the country.

In general, the global and regional threat posed by terrorism is beginning to intensify. However, the drastic actions taken by the involved countries have mitigated this increase. The threat perception has shifted to include the spreading of propaganda in cyberspace, such as on social media. There should be continuous monitoring and restrictions placed on such postings that pose a threat to national security before it starts to influence Daesh supporters in Malaysia. The issue of terrorism on a global and regional scale has no effect on national security at this time. As such, national security and the threat of terrorism should not be treated lightly. The potential threat of terrorism in the nation remains at a moderate level and a terrorist attack remains possible.

Quarterly Report: Terrorism Events And Developments In The First Quarter of 2023

The first quarter of Terrorism Watch 2023 explores the most recent events and developments pertaining to terror-related incidents in Southeast Asia and significant incidents worldwide from January to March 2023. The Islamic State in Khorasan Province (ISKP) targeting of Afghanistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs showcases ISKP’s attempts to stop countries from establishing relations with a Taliban-run country. Besides, the targeted killing of Daesh’s leader in Somalia and the terrorist attack on police quarters in Peshawar, Pakistan, are among the highlights of this quarter.

In Southeast Asia, the efforts of the Philippine Armed Forces to contain terrorism in the Southern Philippines continue to bear fruit. More members of terrorist organisations are surrendering and accepting the government’s consolation. In addition, Daesh’s media outlet in Southeast Asia alters its name to attract supporters in the region. In Indonesia, DENSUS 88 continues its search for Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) network’s and attempts to thwart its revival.

The emergence of a media outlet named Al Malaka Media Centre that circulated a poster depicting a threat to Malaysia caught media attention in the country. However, the perception, magnitude, and nature of the threat may diverge from reality due to the direction of the public debate, which may be influenced by vested interests and political influence.

In summary, the global and regional threat posed by terrorism intensifies in the first quarter of 2023. The threat perception has shifted to incorporate the dissemination of narratives in cyberspace, particularly on social media. Countries, particularly in this region, must take drastic measures to mitigate the issue.

Global Trend

In a number of nations around the world, the first quarter of 2023 has already been marked by significant events. The most anticipated assessments of the reopening of international borders have revealed that terrorists have awaited this moment. However, the vast majority of these incidents occurred in nations that have been fighting terrorism on a continuous basis. Regionally, there are persistent indications of efforts to resurrect Jemaah Islamiyah (JI), whereas, in the Philippines, hybrid actions are proving successful. Online radicalization is once again exploiting the young minds of Singaporeans, and there are significant attempts to influence the moderate minds of Malaysians via online propaganda.

The following are the highlights of  terrorism-related occurrences around the world:


The Islamic State in Khorasan Province (ISKP) carried out a suicide bombing attack on 11 Jan 23 that left 13 people dead and numerous others injured. The attack took place at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’s compound in Kabul, Afghanistan. The site is also close to a number of international embassies and Afghan government buildings.


On 26 January 23, the United States (US) army was successful in eliminating Bilal al-Sudani, the leader of Daesh in Somalia, in a mountainous region of northern Somalia. Besides, he is a facilitator for Daesh’s international network and a financier of the Daesh network in Somalia. Ten faithful supporters of Bilal al-Sudani were also killed in the unexpected attack.

The Al-Shabaab group attacked a residential area in Abdias, Mogadishu, on 22 Feb 23, killing nearly ten people. The assault began with a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device (VBIED) explosion and was followed by random gunfire. Somali security forces were able to eliminate four members of the Al-Shabaab group and regain control of the situation at the incident site. The target of the assault was the residence of senior officers of the government-aligned Somali army and militia.


The Pakistani police force was startled by a suicide attack at a police quarters mosque on 31 January 23. The incident resulted in over 100 fatalities and 150 injuries. The attack that occurred in Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, was perpetrated by a person dressed as a completely uniformed police officer. The assault was claimed by factions of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) organisation, namely Jamaat-ul-Ahrar and Islamic State in Khorasan Province (ISKP). Omar Mukaram Khurasani, the leader of Jamaat-ul-Ahrar, claimed responsibility for the incident to avenge the murder of his brother, Omar Khalid Khorasani, the group’s founder. The police are still investigating the actual perpetrator.

Terrorism Trends in Southeast Asia

The Philippines

The terrorism-related issue involving the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) is as follows:

The Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) of the Kagui Karialan faction surrendered to Philippine security forces in Barangay Pigcalagan, Maguidanao Norte, on 22 February 2023 with firearms and explosives. The surrendered BIFF members were operating in Maguindanao del Sur, Maguindanao del Norte, and North Cotabato. Eleven from the surrendered members are reportedly experts in the fabrication of explosives that can be remotely detonated using mobile phones.

The terrorism-related issue involving Al Faris Media Centre is as follows:

East Asia Knight (EAK) is a Daesh-affiliated media entity that promotes Islamic State East Asia Province (ISEAP). It began as a group using the name “EAK” on a variety of online communication channels, including blogs, social media, and forums. EAK’s purpose is to publicise all ISEAP activities in Southeast Asia for Daesh in the same manner as Al-Naba Media Centre. On 7 January 2023, EAK altered its name to the Al Faris Media Centre.

The terrorism-related issues involving Dawlah Islamiya (DI) are as follows:

Seven Daulah Islamiyah (DI) members who were also fragments of the Abu Sayyaf Group (KAS) were slain in an ambush conducted by the Philippine National Police (PNP) in the village of Kapuk Pungol, Parang, Sulu, on 5 February 23. The assault was intended to capture Alganer Dahim and Juko Dahim, who were suspected of involvement in the attack that killed a senior police officer on 7 May 2009. However, Juko Dahim was killed and Alganer Dahim managed to flee the shooting incident. Additionally, the police were able to confiscate multiple firearms and explosives belonging to the DI members.

Almoben Sibud, the subleader of the Maguindanao DI group, and 30 armed followers were responsible for the bombings in the region. They were pursued by Philippine security forces on the border of the Maguindanao Sur and North Cotabato provinces on 23 March 23. Three individuals were killed and four others were injured during the military operation. Samsudin Miro, Kamid Sindatu, and Mohaimen Salik were identified as the three victims, who were believed to be adherents of Aloben Sibud. Security forces also apprehended Mohammed Agbas, a second member of the DI, and seized a pistol and .45-caliber ammunition.


Six Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) terrorist suspects were caught by the DENSUS 88 anti-terrorism squad in various parts of Indonesia on 8 February 2023. All the arrested terrorist suspects are members of JI and they are also on the List of Wanted Persons (DPO) for the offence of “criminal acts of terrorism” or being involved in defending or harbouring criminal fugitives. 

On 16 March 23, the DENSUS 88 anti-terrorism squad arrested five suspected members of terrorist groups during raids in the cities of Palu and Sigi, Central Sulawesi. Four suspects arrested in Palu were identified with code names AF @ AZ (41 years old), KB (52 years old), MA (42 years old), and ZA alias E (42 years old), and one suspect, RA @ R (46 years old), who was arrested in Pidi, are all believed to be members of the JI network in Central Sulawesi. DENSUS 88 also confiscated several documents, knives, telescopes, mobile phones, arrows, and pellet guns from them.

On 28 March 23, three locations in Kabupaten Sigi and in Donggala, Sulawesi, were searched by the DENSUS 88. The three locations that were raided in Sigi were the Khairu Ummah Foundation office, a school belonging to the Khairu Ummah Foundation, and the Sahabat Keadilan Foundation (SAHLAN) office. A location that was raided in Donggala was a house. As a result of the raid on the four locations, DENSUS 88 has confiscated documents, books, laptops, and arrows believed to be related to the JI group.


On 1 Feb 23, the Internal Security Department (ISD) issued a statement regarding the arrest of 18-year-old Muhammad Irfan Danyal Mohamad Nor for planning to launch an attack in Singapore. The arrest was made in December 2022, and the ISD has conducted further investigation on the teenager. The teenager was arrested for planning to kill individuals considered thogut, attack the Amoy Quee Camp and blow up a mosque for perceived un-Islamic practise. In addition, the teenager was also reported to have planned to establish an Islamic Caliphate in Coney Island and pledged allegiance to the leader of Daesh.

The Internal Security Department (ISD) announced the arrest of two adolescents, ages 15 and 16, on 21 February 2023, for being influenced by Daesh propaganda. Between December 2022 and January 2023, both of them were detained. The 15-year-old was discovered to be influenced by terrorist narratives after gaining access to radical lectures. He also supports the atrocities of Daesh and is rumoured to be planning to murder both non-Muslim communities and Muslims who are considered thogut. The 16-year-old was allegedly influenced by Daesh propaganda and shared Daesh-related videos on social media. Reportedly, these adolescents are also utilising Roblox, an online gaming platform, to communicate and establish a virtual Islamic Caliphate within the realm of video games.


On 5 March 23, a Malay-language Daesh propaganda media called Al Malaka Media Centre was reported to be threatening Malaysia’s security. The Nordic Counter-Terrorism Network’s (NCTN) Cyber Counter-Terrorism Division reports that Al Malaka Media Centre has released a graphic depicting the Petronas Twin Towers emblazoned with the Daesh flag and a plane crashing into an adjacent building. In addition, on the poster there is also a text reading “The Day of Conquest is Coming” and a translation of the Quran, Surah an-Nur, verse 55 in Malay. According to NCTN, Al Malaka Media Centre has links with Daesh media in Indonesia and the Philippines and has enlisted the help of political parties to overthrow the government of Dato’ Seri Anwar bin Ibrahim.

What Can Be Expected

The transition from EAK to Al Faris Media Centre is interpreted as Daesh Indonesia’s attempt to give its propaganda media an Islamic image. Faris is the Arabic word for “knight,” “horseman,” and “cavalry.” It is believed that the moniker “EAK” has no impact on Southeast Asian Muslims. Therefore, this moniker change is essential for ISEAP to aid in the propagation of Daesh’s narrative. On various social media platforms and blogs, such as TechHaven, Rocketchat, Telegram, and WordPress, groups or threads titled Al Faris Media Centre are created. Using social media platforms, Daesh is believed to continue attempting to remain prominent.

The fact that the BIFF members surrendered demonstrates conclusively that the Philippine security forces’ strategy for preventing and countering violent extremism (PCVE), which brought the BIFF members to the negotiating table, was successful. As a consolation for giving up, the BIFF members likely received money to assist them in beginning a new life. More than 200 BIFF members have surrendered to Philippine security forces since November 2021, and 11 of them are said to be experts in the production of improvised explosive devices (IED). This occurrence is viewed as limiting the BIFF’s capacity to initiate large-scale attacks. In addition, it is believed that this matter will encourage additional BIFF members to surrender.

Following the death of a member of the Faharudin Hadji Satar @ Abu Zacaria-led Sulu DI cell, the DI now consists of fewer than 20 individuals. It is anticipated that continued pressure on this group will eliminate the overall threat posed by the DI group in Sulu Province. As for the DI in Maguindanao, since Salahuddin Hassan was slain in the battle, the DI in Maguindanao has split from the Turaife, Bongus, and Karialan factions and joined the BIFF group. The attack by security forces on the group has also caused discord within the group.

In 2019, arrests of JI members began following the enforcement of anti-terrorism laws in Indonesia. This most recent arrest is believed to involve JI members who are prominent in the JI Shura Council, the organization’s treasurer, and its intelligence section. After the suicide attack at the Astana Anyar Police Station in Bandung, Indonesia, on 7 December 22, it is believed that the number of arrests of JI members increased during this time period.

Multiple foundations in Sulawesi were raided, revealing that JI used non-governmental organisations for funding and recruitment purposes. Sulawesi is also a good location for JI to hide from the authorities, as Jakarta and Aceh are deemed too dangerous for JI to operate covertly. In addition, the apprehension of JI members has intensified because there are signs that the organization’s senior leaders are attempting to revive the terrorist group. The anti-terrorism unit’s actions are significant especially after the reopening of national borders and the removal of restrictions imposed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. After remaining dormant since 2020, the network of terrorist organisations is anticipated to resume their operations.

As a consequence of their sharing on social media platforms, the adolescents have been successfully tracked. They were apprehended prior to carrying out the intended attack. Five adolescents have been detained under the Internal Security Act since the year 2020. (ISA). The only thing these adolescents have in common is that they have been influenced by the online dissemination of propaganda. Further investigation revealed that Muhammad Irfan Danyal Mohammad Nor was influenced by extremist speakers such as Zakir Naik and Ahmed Deedat.

The arrests of the 15- and 16-year-olds occurred in December 2022, following the apprehension of Muhammad Irfan Danyal Mohammad Nor. According to reports, these three individuals used the Roblox platform to establish an Islamic Caliphate in cyberspace and employed animated world characters to initiate attacks. Daesh’s modus operandi has previously included the manipulation of online gaming platforms. This development demonstrates that Daesh continues to exploit platforms that are popular among adolescents. Although the three of them will go through a deradicalization programme run by the Religious Rehabilitation Group (RRG), if no controls or censorship are imposed on this type of platform, more teens are likely to become involved. It is believed that the ISD’s disclosure of these three adolescents will assist other nations in monitoring game platforms that can be exploited by terrorists.

The recent appearance of numerous pro-ISIS propaganda media outlets in Indonesia and the Philippines makes the recent discovery of pro-ISIS propaganda media very significant. However, it is believed that NCTN’s report on the threat posed by Al Malaka Media Centre lacked credible data. This type of propaganda is considered as deliberate by the pro-Daesh group because the severity of the terrorist threat has declined since 2020, making it appear as if Daesh is no longer a concern in Southeast Asia. It is also believed that this type of propaganda is used to gain support from sympathisers in Malaysia. The E8 Special Branch has not confirmed any rumours linking the media to political parties, which are without substance. In addition, it is believed that such unsubstantiated reports can generate an atmosphere of insecurity in Malaysia and have a negative effect on the country’s economy and society. The current political climate makes it easy to associate these traits with particular political parties. As a result of political uncertainty, it is believed that Daesh can exploit the current circumstance.


Terrorism on a global and regional scale has started to rise in the first three months of 2023. The post-pandemic COVID-19 provides an opportunity for terrorist activity to return to “normalcy.” On a global scale, it is evident that terrorist organisations are becoming significantly more active. After the collapse of the Daesh Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, countries such as Afghanistan continue to be a focus, as they provide additional ingredients that make it a caliphate destination for Daesh versions. The country is perpetually threatened by the ISKP group due to the instability of its government and its inability to establish international relations with foreign nations. In the context of Afghanistan, Daesh has adopted a strategic approach by tarnishing the image of the Taliban on the international stage by highlighting the Taliban’s inability to maintain the country’s security. As a result of the role of Pakistani police forces in mitigating the threat of terrorism on the Pakistan-Afghan border, assaults against Pakistani security forces are not unprecedented and will continue. In addition to focusing on South Asia, the imminent elimination of terrorist group commanders in multiple countries is likely to have an impact on the group’s strategic and tactical level.

Next, the evolution of the terrorist threat in Southeast Asia is distinct from the global trend. Earlier efforts to resurrect the JI organisation are believed to have been thwarted by anti-terrorist forces in Indonesia. In the Philippines, the Focused Military Operation (FMO) is continuing, and the offensive action has prompted more terrorists to surrender. The Philippines’ hybrid action, which combines a kinetic approach with PCVE, is currently having a positive effect because the number of terrorists who support the government’s efforts is increasing. In spite of this, it is believed that Daesh loyalists will continue to exploit social media and the internet in the region. Cyberspace media such as Al Faris Media Centre and the use of video game platforms like Roblox require attention in Singapore. Given that they utilise the internet more frequently than the working group does, this action is perceived as being directed at young groups. The apprehension of three individuals in Singapore is significant and should aid other nations in monitoring similar activity in their own countries.

Compared to other regional nations, Malaysia has not encountered any terrorism-related challenges since 2020. This plainly demonstrates that Daesh failed to influence the people of Malaysia. Several Malay and Indonesian-language Daesh media entities appear to be propagating propaganda. This includes the Al Malaka Media Centre, which made a startling appearance and distributed a similar poster to create an unsafe environment in Malaysia. What’s more worrying is that there are analysts who take the opportunity to promote themselves by making unfounded comments ahead of a police investigation. The maturity and moderation of Malaysians have rendered Al Malaka Media Centre’s propaganda ineffective in the country. However, it is believed that stakeholders will continue to attempt to contaminate harmony by disseminating such propaganda materials. 

In general, the global and regional threat posed by terrorism is beginning to intensify. However, the drastic actions taken by the involved countries have mitigated this increase. The threat perception has shifted to include the spreading of propaganda in cyberspace, such as on social media. There should be continuous monitoring and restrictions placed on such postings that pose a threat to national security before it starts to influence Daesh supporters in Malaysia. The issue of terrorism on a global and regional scale has no effect on national security at this time. National security and the threat of terrorism should not be treated lightly. The potential threat of terrorism in the nation remains at a moderate level and a terrorist attack remains possible.

Quarterly Report: Terrorism Events And Developments In The Fourth Quarter of 2022

The fourth quarter of Terrorism Watch 2022 explores the most recent events and developments pertaining to terror-related incidents in Southeast Asia and significant incidents worldwide from October to December 2022. The Islamic State in Khorasan Province (ISKP) continues to undermine the Taliban’s legitimacy in Afghanistan, and Al-Shabaab attacks in Somalia have increased significantly. Generally, terror-related events and incidents are contained inside the borders of each nation.

In addition to the ongoing clashes between the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) in the Philippines, there have been claims of social media being used to promote terrorist acts. Moreover, the Philippines are also successful in encouraging Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) members to surrender through its Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (PCVE) programs. In Indonesia, the Jamaah Anshorut Daulah (JAD) proved its relevance by executing a suicide attack on a police station in Bandung. Even though the Indonesian government has successfully reduced the threat of terrorism in the country, radical Muslims are continuously using social media to incite hatred in Indonesia.

From January 2022 to December 2022, no terrorist activities were reported in Malaysia. However, the recent 15th General Election demonstrated the rise of religious bigotry and racism, which are precursors to extremism in the country. If the current extremism trends continue, it may lead to a new wave of radicalism among certain political party supporters.

Global Trend

At the global and regional levels, the existing situation, domain, and scenario of extremism, radicalism, and terrorism do not indicate any noteworthy changes in the fourth quarter of 2022. Terrorists and militant networks continue to commit terrorist acts in conflict zones in order to maintain their relevance. In addition, there are reports on terrorism financing that indicate terrorist organisations are focused more on sustainability. In the final quarter of 2022, the hunt for terrorist leadership has continued, and in 2023, changes in leadership are anticipated to alter the group’s vision. Additionally, the year 2022 concluded without any significant terror-related incidents.

The following are the highlights of  terrorism-related occurrences around the world:


An explosion occurred on Istiklal Avenue in Istanbul, Turkey on 13 Nov 22, leaving six people dead and 81 others injured. The explosion was likely sparked by a bag dropped by a woman in front of a shop. The location of the incident is also a popular weekend destination for locals and foreign tourists. No one has yet taken responsibility for the blast. A Kurdish woman was detained as the leading suspect.


In recent months, the Islamic State in Khorasan Province (ISKP) has carried out operations against a number of educational institutions. The Kaaj Education Center in West Kabul was attacked on 30 Sep 22, killing 35 female students and injuring 82 others. Next, on 28 Nov 22, 22 students died in an explosion at Al Jihad Madrasa in Afghanistan’s Samangan Province.

On 13 Nov 22, Afghan security forces from the 201 Khalid Bin Walid Corps raided a hiding location of Daesh militants. The raid by the security forces in Nangarhar Province succeeded in arresting six ISKP members along with some explosives and AK-47-type firearms. The Taliban promised to continue its efforts to free Afghanistan from the ISKP threat. 


Four women and thirteen children were returned to Sydney on 28 Oct 22 from the Al-Hol refugee camp in northern Syria. All of the women will be charged with terrorism-related offences or illegal entry into Syria. The Australian government will act in accordance with the law to secure the safe return of all Australian citizens. The choice proved controversial in Australia given the radical ideology and opposition to the Australian way of life of individuals who were brought back.

On 9 Dec 22, the Australian government expressed their concern over the early release of Umar Patek, who was released on 7 Dec 22. Umar Patek, real name Hisyam bin Alizein, is a Jamaah Islamiyah (JI) member and bomb expert who was involved in the 2002 Bali bombing that killed 202 people. However, Australia respects Indonesia’s decision and requests that Umar Patek’s activities be monitored after his release because the incident killed 88 Australians.


On 7 Dec 22, the Boko Haram group killed 33 wives of members of the Islamic State in West Africa Province (ISWAP) in Sambisa Forest, Borno. The killing of ISWAP members’ wives was reported to have occurred after ISWAP’s top leader, Ba’ana Chingori, together with his group, killed Boko Haram Commander, Malam Aboubakar, and 15 others in a gun battle at one of the Boko Haram camps. Besides ISWAP wives, Boko Haram also killed 12 more ISWAP members in Yuwe and seized four ISWAP gun trucks.

South Africa

On 16 Nov 22, the South African Banking Risk Information Center (SABRIC) reported that Daesh followers in South Africa are using the Tinder app on social media to generate income. Daesh members are said to have created fake profiles and posed as actors and models before manipulating Tinder users into transferring their money. SABRIC’s statement is also supported by the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), which says that Daesh is using South Africa as a safe haven for consolidation after defeats in Syria and Iraq.


On 29 Oct 22, at least 100 people were killed and 300 others injured in an attack involving two car bombs that were detonated outside the Ministry of Education building in Mogadishu, Somalia. The attack took place as the Somali President and top security officials met to discuss operations against Al-Shabaab. To date, no party has claimed responsibility for the attack.

On 28 Nov 22, at least nine civilians, including a police officer, and six terrorists were killed in an Al-Shabaab attack on a hotel in Somalia’s capital, Mogadishu. The explosion at the Villa Rose Hotel happened after the group stormed the hotel near the presidential palace. Villa Rose is often visited by members of parliament and high government officials to attend meetings. The location of hotel is also close to the office of Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud. Al-Shabaab claimed responsibility for the attack, which left 100 people dead in Mogadishu.


On 30 Nov 22, Daesh announced the death of its leader, Abu al-Hassan al-Hashimi al-Qurashi, through its official media, Al-Naba. Daesh only stated that al-Hasan was killed in a battle without elaborating on the date of his death or the circumstances. The militants have also named Abu al-Hussein al-Husseini al-Qurashi as the new leader of Daesh. Accordingly, the US military’s US Central Command has confirmed his death and stated that the Daesh leader was killed in a battle with the Free Syrian Army in Syria in mid-October 2022.

The United States of America

On 16 Nov 22, the U.S. Department of State’s Rewards for Justice (RFJ) programme announced that the agency will pay USD 10 million to informants related to Al-Shabaab. The information required by the Department of State is about Al-Shabaab leader Ahmed Diriye, Al-Shabaab deputy Mahad Karate, and Al-Shabaab operations chief Jehad Mostafa. In addition, the RFJ will also pay the same amount for information on Al-Shabaab’s funding network. The Al-Shabaab group has been designated as a terrorist group by the United States (US) and the UNSC since 2008.

Terrorism Trends in Southeast Asia

The Philippines

The terrorism-related issue involving the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) is as follows:

On 7 Nov 22, two members of the Karialan faction of the BIFF were killed in a firefight with security troops in Maguindanao Province. The fight began while troops of the 33rd Infantry Battalion (33IB) were inspecting the car in which the two terrorists were riding near Kampung Dapiawan in Bandar Datu Saudi Ampatuan. Following the BIFF ambush on security troops on 4 Nov 22, security control in the area has been strengthened.

The terrorism-related issue involving Jund Tauhid Wal Jihad Mindanao is as follows:

On 18 Nov 22, there was a propaganda video posted by Jund Tauhid Wal Jihad Mindanao, a new terrorist group in Mindanao. It was uploaded to a Facebook account, displaying a video professing allegiance to Daesh leader Abu Hasan al-Hashimi and claiming to be the Islamic State’s new group in Southeast Asia.

The terrorism-related issue involving Daesh is as follows:

The discovery of a Facebook account from the southern Philippines believed to be a Daesh fan, uploaded many images of women clutching various types of weaponry, flags, and Daesh propaganda materials on 21 Nov 22. The owner of the account appears to be encouraging women to participate in terrorist activities.

The terrorism-related issues involving Dawlah Islamiya (DI) are as follows:

On 1 Dec 22, two bombmakers from the Dawlah Islamiya (DI) group were arrested by the Philippine security forces in Barangay Glamang, Polomolok, South Cotabato. The DI members known as Pandian and Salila are experts in the fabrication of homemade explosive devices using readily available components such as ammonium nitrate and potassium chlorate, which can be used as an explosive powder for homemade bombs.


On 29 Sep 22, a member of the East Indonesian Muhjahidin (MIT) militant group, Askar @ Jiad @ Pak Guru, was shot dead by the Task Force (SATGAS) unit in Kilo Village, Poso, Central Sulawesi, in an operation known as Op MADAGO RAYA. Earlier, SATGAS had arrested a member of MIT, named Suhardin @ Hassan Pranata, in a previous Poso raid. 

A Facebook user posted a video on 22 Nov 22 depicting a guy slapping a veiled girl in Kasaragod, Kerala, India, when the girl was on her way to a religious school. Some Facebook users have criticised and urged for other Muslim terrorists to take revenge against Hindus in India, as well as urged Muslims to slaughter Hindus in Bali, Indonesia.

On 7 Dec 22, one policeman was killed and 10 others were injured in an explosion in the lobby of the Astana Anyar police station in Bandung, Indonesia. The perpetrator of the suicide attack was also killed when he armed himself with a knife, entered the police station, and then blew himself up. The perpetrator, identified as Agus Sujatno or Abu Muslim bin Wahid, is a member of the JAD group who was imprisoned on charges related to terrorism and was released in April 2021.

The last MIT member pursued by the SATGAS unit in Op MADAGO RAYA was Askar @ Jiad @ Pak Guru. The death of Askar shows that the MIT movement has been completely paralysed in Poso, Sulawesi. Following this operation, Indonesian authorities will concentrate on activities such as propaganda dissemination and the narratives of MIT supporters who are still active on social media. This monitoring is critical in limiting the activities of recruiting new MIT members and funding sources in order to prevent the rise of MIT 2.0 in the future


After the 15th GE, the emergence of religious extremists and the doctrine of assabiyah require special consideration. Indicators of extremism and bigotry have proliferated rapidly throughout multiple social media platforms, but they have received little attention due to the anticipation of a political shift. Among the narratives that are propagated are anti-Chinese calls, questioning the Muslim status among the Pakatan Harapan (PH) and Barisan Nasional (BN) supporters, the May 13 call, declaring fellow Muslims as infidels, PH supporting the Jewish movement, and a Christianization agenda in Malaysia.

What Can Be Expected

The skirmishes between the BIFF group and the Philippine security forces demonstrate the BIFF’s continued threat in Maguindanao Province. The assault on Philippine security personnel demonstrates the group’s strategy, which is to exert pressure on military troops taking part in the Focused Military Operation (FMO), which is centered in the Southern Philippines. The two bomb makers’ arrests, meanwhile, are generally a positive development for the Southern Philippines. Despite the fact that the group’s threat has diminished significantly since 2020, the arrest of these two people offers Philippine security forces hope that they will be able to stop any significant attacks. In addition, numerous BIFF and Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) militants have turned themselves in to Philippine security forces since 2020. DI has refrained from giving up because it still intends to create an Islamic caliphate in the Southern Philippines. The group’s attempts can be thwarted by the security forces’ continuing operation in the Southern Philippines.

It is believed that the recent conflict between the Philippine military and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) has facilitated the creation of new militant groups such as the Jund Tauhid Wal Jihad Mindanao. In addition, groups such as the Maute Brothers obtained funding from Daesh in Syria using this mode of operation in 2015. Interestingly, the Islamic Caliphate of Daesh has been crushed since 2017, and its recent commander was first reportedly detained by Turkish authorities in October 2022, but lately, he has reportedly died. Therefore, the new organisation is believed to be oblivious to the present situation in Syria. Nonetheless, the appearance of Jund Tauhid Wal Jihad Mindanao suggests that some elements are attempting to carry out Marawi Siege 2.0 in the Southern Philippines.

Historically, pro-ISIS militant groups in the southern Philippines have discouraged women from directly participating in jihad. The most recent trend, however, indicates that women are being given a greater role in direct combat, including taking up arms and even becoming suicide bombers, as in Iraq and Chechnya. The opportunity to participate in this essential jihad is also designed to provide women whose husbands were killed on the battlefield with the chance to exact revenge for their husbands’ deaths. Several suicide assaults carried out by women who had recently lost their husbands provide significant evidence of this trend in the Southern Philippines in 2018. Additionally, Boko Haram, a group that works with Daesh, employs this strategy. Even though the Philippines are quite successful in their Preventing/Countering Violent Extremism (PCVE) programs in the South, however, the increase of women in terror-related activities needs to be taken seriously because there are more and more female jihadists in this area, and it is very challenging for security authorities to identify them.

In India, racial-based politics is not a new phenomenon. Thus, this element of hatred is exploited by interested parties, such as Daesh sympathisers, to inflame religious sentiment. There is evidence that the user of this Facebook account has repeatedly propagated religious sentiments to attract the attention and support of Daesh adherents. Nevertheless, it appears that Daesh sympathisers in Indonesia have responded to this messaging. The instigation of an attack on Bali is believed to elicit a favourable response, given that the island is revered by Hindus and that the 2012 Bali incident garnered international attention. The “global village effect” could drive extremists to target Hindu places of worship, despite the fact that Indonesia is thought to be able to deal with this type of threat.

The most recent attack on police officers by JAD members occurred in November 2021. The JAD began attacking Indonesian police officers in 2015, after pledging allegiance to Daesh. Terrorist groups in Indonesia have been practically destroyed by sanctions and the enforcement of anti-terror laws. Nonetheless, the dissemination of terrorist narratives and ideologies by groups such as Daesh is still prominent in Indonesia, resulting in lone-wolf attacks in the country. The phenomenon of the lone wolf arises frequently among JAD supporters who are passionate and zealous in their jihad endeavors. As JAD adherents continue to target security personnel for retribution, the POLRI will continue to face attacks in the future.

Even if the Malaysian opposition party’s false narratives have been corrected by individuals using the stereotypical justification that “their words were reported out of context,” the damage has already been done. All of the aforementioned campaign materials are still available on social media, specifically Facebook and TikTok. The Royal Malaysian Police (RMP) has thus far made a few arrests relating to the dissemination of hateful narratives, and various leaders of the opposition party have been probed for the statements they have made. If this extremist culture is allowed to continue, it will breed radicalism in society.


Overall, the threat of terrorism that concerns the international community, such as the threat posed by Daesh, is regarded as having diminished significantly. Particularly for the year 2022, the threat of terrorism is only concentrated in conflict-affected regions. Developments in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Africa are now viewed as local crises that do not pose global risks. Although Daesh militants still exist in Syria, the current threat is a domestic uprising. In addition, it is believed that the deaths of two Daesh leaders in 2022, Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi in February and Abu al-Hassan al-Hashimi al-Qurashi in October, contributed to a reduction in the threat level in 2022. The level of threat was established by the success of large-scale events, such as the burial of Queen Elizabeth II in the United Kingdom and the FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar, without terrorist-related incidents. It indicates conclusively that the threat of terrorism in 2022 was low.

Following the 15th GE in Malaysia, the rise of religious radicals and the assabiyah doctrine deserve special attention as multiple signs of extremism and racism propagate on various social media platforms. Often, irresponsible parties play narratives such as anti-Chinese, the culture of infidelity among Muslims, and the Christianization agenda. These issues could have a negative impact on the country’s political stability, which could hinder the country’s progress and socioeconomic development as well as foreign investment opportunities. Moreover, the current state of affairs in the country may serve as a magnet for extremist, radical elements and external terrorism

The threat of extremism and terrorism in Malaysia is still moderate and manageable, thanks to the anti-terrorism laws and the hard work of many security agencies like the Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) and the Royal Malaysian Police (RMP).